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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing 3A, H, O and 2R

ANTIDIARRHOEALantidiarrhoeal adj. Alternative spelling of antidiarrheal.
antidiarrhoeal n. Alternative spelling of antidiarrheal.
antidiarrhœal adj. Obsolete form of antidiarrheal.
AROMATHERAPIESaromatherapies n. Plural of aromatherapy.
AROMATHERAPY n. a therapy involving the use of scents.
AROMATHERAPISTaromatherapist n. (Alternative medicine) A practitioner of aromatherapy.
AROMATHERAPIST n. one who practises aromatherapy.
AUTHORITARIANSauthoritarians n. Plural of authoritarian.
AUTHORITARIAN n. one who favours blind submission to authority.
AUTORADIOGRAPHautoradiograph n. (Photography) A photograph image produced by placing a film in contact with a specimen containing (or…
autoradiograph v. (Transitive) To subject to autoradiography.
AUTORADIOGRAPH n. an autoradiographic record, also RADIOAUTOGRAPH.
CARTOGRAPHICALcartographical adj. Pertaining to cartography.
DERMATOGRAPHIAdermatographia n. (Pathology) A skin disorder in which the skin becomes raised and inflamed when stroked, scratched or rubbed.
DERMATOGRAPHIA n. a type of urticaria in which the physical allergy causes stroking or scratching, etc. to raise a red weal on the skin.
GALACTORRHOEASGALACTORRHOEA n. a too abundant flow of milk, also GALACTORRHEA.
HYPERSARCOMATAHYPERSARCOMA n. proud or fungous flesh.
NARCOCATHARSESNARCOCATHARSIS n. hypnoanalysis when narcotics are used in producing the hypnotic state.
NARCOCATHARSISNARCOCATHARSIS n. hypnoanalysis when narcotics are used in producing the hypnotic state.
PALAEOGRAPHERSpalaeographers n. Plural of palaeographer.
palæographers n. Plural of palæographer.
PALAEOGRAPHER n. a student of palaeography, also PALAEOGRAPHIST.
PIPIWHARAUROASPIPIWHARAUROA n. (Maori) a Pacific migratory bird with metallic gold-green plumage.
RADIOAUTOGRAPHradioautograph n. Autoradiograph.
RADIOAUTOGRAPH n. an autoradiographic record, also AUTORADIOGRAPH.
ULTRAHAZARDOUSultrahazardous adj. Extremely hazardous.
ULTRAHAZARDOUS adj. extremely hazardous.
ULTRAMARATHONSultramarathons n. Plural of ultramarathon.
ULTRAMARATHON n. a footrace longer than a marathon.
URANOGRAPHICALuranographical adj. Relating to uranography.
URANOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to uranography, descriptive astronomy and mapping, also URANOGRAPHIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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