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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 9 fourteen-letter words containing 3A, 2C, E and U

ANACARDIACEOUSanacardiaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the family Anacardiaceae of cashews and sumacs.
ANACARDIACEOUS adj. belonging to the Anacardiaceae, the cashew-nut family.
BACCALAUREATESbaccalaureates n. Plural of baccalaureate.
BACCALAUREATE n. a set of examinations intended to qualify successful candidates for higher education in any of several countries.
BANCASSURANCESBANCASSURANCE n. the provision of financial services spanning both banking and insurance.
CAMPANULACEOUScampanulaceous adj. (Botany) Of, relating to, or resembling the Campanulaceae, a family of plants including the harebell.
CAMPANULACEOUS adj. belonging to the bellflower family.
CAPPARIDACEOUScapparidaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the family Capparidaceae (preferred: Capparaceae) of capers and close relatives.
CAPPARIDACEOUS adj. of the Capparidaceae family of plants, related to the crucifers, and including the caper.
PHARMACEUTICALpharmaceutical adj. (Medicine, pharmacy, pharmacology) Of, or relating to pharmacy or pharmacists.
pharmaceutical n. (Medicine, pharmacy, pharmacology) A pharmaceutical or pharmacological preparation or product; a drug.
PHARMACEUTICAL n. a medicinal drug, also PHARMACEUTIC.
REACQUAINTANCEreacquaintance n. Acquaintance again or anew.
REACQUAINTANCE n. a new acquaintance.
UNACADEMICALLYunacademically adv. In an unacademic way.
UNACADEMIC adv. not academic.
UNACQUAINTANCEunacquaintance n. The state or condition of being unacquainted; unfamiliarity with something.
UNACQUAINTANCE n. lack of acquaintance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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