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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing A, 2O, P, S, T and V

CORPORATIVISMcorporativism n. Synonym of corporatism.
CORPORATIVISM n. the policy of control of a country's economy through the combined power of the trade unions, large businesses, etc., also CORPORATISM.
EVAPOROMETERSevaporometers n. Plural of evaporometer.
EVAPOROMETER n. an instrument for measuring rate of evaporation, also EVAPORIMETER.
FLAVOPROTEINSflavoproteins n. Plural of flavoprotein.
FLAVOPROTEIN n. a protein which serves as an electron carrier in the electron transfer chain.
IMPROVISATIONimprovisation n. The act or art of composing and making music, poetry, and the like, extemporaneously.
improvisation n. That which is improvised; an impromptu.
improvisation n. Musical technique, characteristic of blues music.
IMPROVISATOREimprovisatore n. (Poetry) An individual who recites impromptu verse, as from a song or poem.
IMPROVISATORE n. (Italian) an improviser in an Italian manner, also IMPROVVISATORE.
IMPROVISATORIimprovisatori n. Plural of improvisatore.
IMPROVISATORE n. (Italian) an improviser in an Italian manner, also IMPROVVISATORE.
IMPROVISATORSimprovisators n. Plural of improvisator.
IMPROVISATORYimprovisatory adj. Of, pertaining to, or in the nature of improvisation.
IMPROVISATORY adj. of or like an improvisator.
NONABSORPTIVEnonabsorptive adj. Not absorptive.
NONABSORPTIVE adj. not absorptive.
OVERPOPULATESoverpopulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overpopulate.
OVERPOPULATE v. to populate too densely.
OVIPOSITIONALovipositional adj. Related to, or by means of, oviposition.
OVIPOSITIONAL adj. relating to oviposition.
PHOTOENGRAVESphotoengraves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of photoengrave.
PHOTOENGRAVE v. to make a photoengraving of.
PHOTOGRAVURESphotogravures n. Plural of photogravure.
PHOTOGRAVURE n. printing from engraved plates photographically prepared.
PHOTOVOLTAICSphotovoltaics n. (Physics) The technology of the conversion of sunlight into electricity using semiconductors that exhibit…
PHOTOVOLTAICS n. the science and technology of photovoltaic devices and substances.
POSTOPERATIVEpostoperative adj. Of, relating to, or occurring in the period after a surgical operation.
postoperative n. A transgender person who has undergone gender reassignment surgery.
post-operative adj. Alternative spelling of postoperative.
POSTVASECTOMYpostvasectomy adj. After a vasectomy.
POSTVASECTOMY adj. following a vasectomy.
VAPORISATIONSvaporisations n. Plural of vaporisation.
VAPORISATION n. the act of vaporising, also VAPORIZATION.
VAPORIZATIONSvaporizations n. Plural of vaporization.
VAPORIZATION n. the act of vaporizing, also VAPORISATION.
VELOCIRAPTORSvelociraptors n. Plural of velociraptor.
VELOCIRAPTOR n. a small bipedal Cretaceous dinosaur with a long narrow head and a sickle-like claw on each hind foot.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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