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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing A, M, O, 2P and 2S

APOCALYPTISMSAPOCALYPTISM n. the doctrine of the imminent end of the world, also APOCALYPTICISM.
BLEPHAROSPASMblepharospasm n. (Medicine) A physiological condition characterized by recurring involuntary twitches or closing of the eyelids.
BLEPHAROSPASM n. a form of constant winking.
CAESAROPAPISMcaesaropapism n. (Government, religion) The combination of state (originally imperial) power with religious authority;…
Caesaropapism n. Alternative letter-case form of caesaropapism.
cæsaropapism n. Obsolete typography of caesaropapism.
CHAMPIONSHIPSchampionships n. Plural of championship.
CHAMPIONSHIP n. the position of honour gained by being champion.
EPISCOPALISMSEPISCOPALISM n. episcopalian government and doctrine.
HAPTOTROPISMSHAPTOTROPISM n. curving in response to touch, as a tendril.
NEWSPAPERDOMSNEWSPAPERDOM n. the world of newspapers.
PAEDOBAPTISMSpaedobaptisms n. Plural of paedobaptism.
pædobaptisms n. Plural of pædobaptism.
PAEDOBAPTISM n. the doctrine of infant baptism.
PARAMORPHISMSparamorphisms n. Plural of paramorphism.
PARAMORPHISM n. the state of being a paramorph.
PHRAGMOPLASTSphragmoplasts n. Plural of phragmoplast.
PHRAGMOPLAST n. the enlarged barrel-shaped spindle that is characteristic of the later stages of plant mitosis and within which the cell plate forms.
POSTMENOPAUSEpostmenopause n. The period in which menopause no longer occurs; often defined as the first full year in which no menstruation occurs.
PREMENOPAUSESSorry, definition not available.
PROPAGANDISMSpropagandisms n. Plural of propagandism.
PROPAGANDISM n. the practice of propagating tenets or principles.
PSAMMOPHILOUSpsammophilous adj. (Botany) arenophilous, sand-loving.
psammophilous adj. (Zoology), sand-loving.
PSAMMOPHILOUS adj. sand-loving.
SPHYGMOGRAPHSsphygmographs n. Plural of sphygmograph.
SPHYGMOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording the pulse.
SPOKESMANSHIPspokesmanship n. The position of being a spokesman.
SPOKESMANSHIP n. the office of spokesman.
SPORTSMANSHIPsportsmanship n. The good attitude/behaviour displayed by players of a game; fairness, determination, magnanimity, courtesy…
sportsmanship n. The behaviour exhibited in playing sports, either good or bad.
SPORTSMANSHIP n. conduct (as fairness, respect for one's opponent, and graciousness in winning or losing) becoming to one participating in a sport.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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