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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 14 thirteen-letter words containing A, M, 3O, T and Y

ALCOHOLOMETRYalcoholometry n. The measurement of the concentration of alcohol in a liquid, especially in the blood.
ALCOHOLOMETRY n. the measurement of the proportion of alcohol in solutions.
CHEMOTAXONOMYchemotaxonomy n. (Biochemistry, genetics) The classification or taxonomy of organisms based on differences and similarities…
CHEMOTAXONOMY n. the classification of plants and animals based on similarities and differences in biochemical composition.
COMMEMORATORYcommemoratory adj. Pertaining to commemoration.
COMMEMORATORY adj. serving to commemorate.
CONDYLOMATOUScondylomatous adj. Relating to condyloma.
CONDYLOMATOUS adj. of or like a condyloma.
CYTOTAXONOMICcytotaxonomic adj. (Taxonomy) Relating to cytotaxonomy.
CYTOTAXONOMIC adj. relating to cytotaxonomy.
DIPLOMATOLOGYdiplomatology n. The study or science of diplomatics, charters, decrees, etc.
DIPLOMATOLOGY n. the study of diplomats.
HOMOEOTYPICALHOMOEOTYPICAL adj. denoting or relating to the second nuclear division of meiosis, which resembles mitosis, also HOMEOTYPICAL.
HOMOSOCIALITYhomosociality n. Socialization (social interaction, social relationships) with members of the same sex, as distinguished…
HOMOSOCIALITY n. the state of being homosocial.
HYDROSOMATOUSHYDROSOMATOUS adj. of or like hydrosomata.
MONODACTYLOUSmonodactylous adj. (Of an animal) Having a single digit on each limb, especially a single claw that can be used to grasp.
MONODACTYLOUS adj. one-toed or one-fingered.
MONOTONICALLYmonotonically adv. In a monotonic manner, pertaining to the Greek system of diacritics which discards the breathings and…
monotonically adv. (Mathematics) In a monotonic manner, of a function that either never decreases or never increases as…
MONOTONIC adv. having one tone; of a mathematical series, increasing or decreasing evenly.
OMOPLATOSCOPYomoplatoscopy n. Divination by use of a shoulder blade.
OMOPLATOSCOPY n. divination by observing the cracks in a burning shoulder-blade.
OPHTHALMOLOGYophthalmology n. (Medicine) The anatomy, functions, pathology, and treatment of the eye.
OPHTHALMOLOGY n. the study of eye and its diseases.
SOMATOSENSORYsomatosensory adj. (Biology) Of or pertaining to the perception of sensory stimuli produced by the skin or internal organs.
SOMATOSENSORY adj. of, relating to, or being sensory activity having its origin elsewhere than in the special sense organs (as eyes and ears) and conveying information about the state of the body proper and its immediate environment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 96 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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