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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 13 thirteen-letter words containing A, 3I, L, M and V

DISSIMILATIVEdissimilative adj. Pertaining to, modifying by, showing dissimilation.
DISSIMILATIVE adj. serving to dissimilate, make dissimilar, also DISSIMILATORY.
DISSIMULATIVEdissimulative adj. Of or pertaining to dissimulation.
DISSIMULATIVE adj. related to dissimulation.
ELIMINATIVISMeliminativism n. (Philosophy) The materialist view that the majority of the mental states assumed by common sense like…
ELIMINATIVISM n. the theory that people's commonsense understanding of the mind is false.
IMAGINATIVELYimaginatively adv. In an imaginative manner; showing creativity.
IMAGINATIVE adv. characterized by imagination.
IMMOVEABILITYIMMOVEABILITY n. the quality of being immoveable, also IMMOVABILITY.
IMPLICATIVELYimplicatively adv. In an implicative way.
IMPLICATIVE adv. tending to implicate.
IMPROVABILITYimprovability n. The condition of being improvable.
IMPROVABILITY n. the state of being improvable.
INDIVIDUALISMindividualism n. The tendency for a person to act without reference to others, particularly in matters of style, fashion…
individualism n. The moral stance, political philosophy, or social outlook that promotes independence and self-reliance…
individualism n. (Logic) The doctrine that only individual things are real.
MEDIEVALISTICmedievalistic adj. Having a medieval style, though not actually from that era.
medievalistic adj. Relating to the study of medievalism.
MEDIEVALISTIC adj. related to mediaevalism, also MEDIAEVALISTIC.
MOVEABILITIESmoveabilities n. Plural of moveability.
MOVEABILITY n. the ability to be moved, also MOVABILITY.
MULTIVITAMINSmultivitamins n. Plural of multivitamin.
MULTIVITAMIN n. a pill containing several vitamins.
PROVINCIALISMprovincialism n. The quality of being provincial; having provincial tastes, mentality, manners.
provincialism n. (Linguistics) A word or locution characteristic of a region or district.
provincialism n. (Politics) Synonym of regionalism: belief in the superiority of one’s regional government; the belief…
VERISIMILARLYverisimilarly adv. In a verisimilar way; suggesting truthfulness.
VERISIMILAR adv. seeming real or true.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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