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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing A, H, L, R, 2T and U

ARCHITECTURALarchitectural adj. Pertaining to architecture.
architectural adj. Resembling architecture in style; seeming to have been designed (by an architect).
ARCHITECTURAL adj. of or relating to architecture.
DAUGHTERLIESTDAUGHTERLY adj. as becomes a daughter, filial.
HORTICULTURALhorticultural adj. Of or pertaining to horticulture; connected with gardening.
HORTICULTURAL adj. relating to horticulture.
MULTIAUTHOREDmultiauthored adj. Written by more than one author.
QUARTERLIGHTSquarterlights n. Plural of quarterlight.
quarter␣lights n. Plural of quarter light.
QUARTERLIGHT n. a small triangular ventilation window in a car.
SOUTHEASTERLYsoutheasterly adj. Situated in, or pointing to, the southeast.
southeasterly adj. (Chiefly of a wind) coming from the southeast.
southeasterly n. A strong wind or storm from the southeast.
SUPERATHLETESsuperathletes n. Plural of superathlete.
SUPERATHLETE n. a very good athlete.
TELAUTOGRAPHYtelautography n. Transmission of messages by telautograph.
TELAUTOGRAPHY n. transmission by use of a Telautograph, a telegraph for reproducing the movement of a pen or pencil and so transmitting writings or drawings.
THAUMATOLATRYthaumatolatry n. (Rare, obsolete) Worship or undue admiration of wonderful or miraculous things.
THAUMATOLATRY n. the worship of miracles or wonders.
THERAPEUTICALtherapeutical adj. Therapeutic.
therapeutical n. Such an agent.
THERAPEUTICAL adj. related to the healing arts, also THERAPEUTIC.
TRANSURETHRALtransurethral adj. Performed through the urethra.
TRANSURETHRAL adj. carried out via the urethra.
TRIUMPHALISTStriumphalists n. Plural of triumphalist.
TRIUMPHALIST n. one who engages in triumphalism.
ULTRAMARATHONultramarathon n. A running race over a distance longer than 42.195 km, the length of a standard marathon.
ULTRAMARATHON n. a footrace longer than a marathon.
ULTRAORTHODOXultraorthodox adj. Very orthodox, chiefly among Jewish sects.
ultra-Orthodox adj. (Of a Jew) Very strictly observant; Haredi; being either Hasidic or Litvish (Misnagdic).
ULTRAORTHODOX adj. extremely orthodox.
ULTRARIGHTISMultrarightism n. Ultraright beliefs generally.
ULTRARIGHTISM n. adherence to extreme right-wing policies.
ULTRARIGHTISTultrarightist n. A person of ultraright politics.
ULTRARIGHTIST n. an extreme conservative.
UNTHEORETICALuntheoretical adj. Not theoretical.
UNTHEORETICAL adj. not theoretical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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