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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing A, H, L, 2O and 2R

ANTHROPOLATRYanthropolatry n. The worship of a human or humans.
ANTHROPOLATRY n. the worship of human beings.
BLENNORRHOEASblennorrhoeas n. Plural of blennorrhoea.
BLENNORRHOEA n. an excessive discharge of watery mucus, esp. from the urethra or the vagina, also BLENNORRHEA.
COCHLEARIFORMcochleariform adj. Spoon-shaped.
COCHLEARIFORM adj. spoon-shaped.
CORPORALSHIPScorporalships n. Plural of corporalship.
CORPORALSHIP n. the office of corporal.
FLUOROGRAPHICfluorographic adj. Relating to fluorography.
FLUOROGRAPHIC adj. relating to fluorography.
GALACTORRHOEAgalactorrhoea n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of galactorrhea.
galactorrhœa n. Alternative spelling of galactorrhea.
GALACTORRHOEA n. a too abundant flow of milk, also GALACTORRHEA.
GLOSSOGRAPHERglossographer n. A writer of a glossary; a commentator.
GLOSSOGRAPHER n. a writer of short explanatory notes or glosses.
HAEMORRHOIDALhaemorrhoidal adj. (British spelling) Alternative form of hemorrhoidal.
hæmorrhoidal adj. Obsolete form of hemorrhoidal.
HAEMORRHOIDAL adj. relating to haemorrhoids, also HEMORRHOIDAL.
HEMORRHOIDALSHEMORRHOIDAL n. a hemorrhoidal part (as an artery or vein).
HORRIPILATIONhorripilation n. A real or fancied bristling of the hair of the head or body, resulting from disease, terror, chilliness, etc.
HORRIPILATION n. the erection of the hair of the head or body from fear or cold.
NEUROHORMONALneurohormonal adj. Of or pertaining to a neurohormone.
NEUROHORMONAL adj. involving both neural and hormonal mechanisms.
OREOGRAPHICALoreographical adj. Of or pertaining to oreography.
OREOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to oreography, the science of mountains, also OREOGRAPHIC.
OROPHARYNGEALoropharyngeal adj. (Anatomy, relational) Of or pertaining to both the mouth and the pharynx.
oropharyngeal adj. (Anatomy, relational) Of or pertaining to the oropharynx.
oropharyngeal n. (Informal, medicine) Ellipsis of oropharyngeal airway.: an adjunct device used to open and secure a…
POLAROGRAPHICpolarographic adj. Related to polarography.
polarographic adj. Obtained by use of a polarograph.
POLAROGRAPHIC adj. relating to polarography.
RHINOSCLEROMArhinoscleroma n. (Medicine) A rare skin disease with very hard, more or less flattened, prominences, appearing first…
RHINOSCLEROMA n. a disease with hard swelling in the nose etc.
RHOPALOCEROUSrhopalocerous adj. Of or relating to the Rhopalocera.
RHOPALOCEROUS adj. relating to the Rhopalocera, a suborder of insects with clubbed antennae, also RHOPALOCERAL.
ULTRAORTHODOXultraorthodox adj. Very orthodox, chiefly among Jewish sects.
ultra-Orthodox adj. (Of a Jew) Very strictly observant; Haredi; being either Hasidic or Litvish (Misnagdic).
ULTRAORTHODOX adj. extremely orthodox.
WOOLGATHERERSwoolgatherers n. Plural of woolgatherer.
WOOLGATHERER n. one who woolgathers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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