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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing A, G, M, 3S and T

ASSEMBLAGISTSassemblagists n. Plural of assemblagist.
ASSEMBLAGIST n. an artist who specializes in assemblages.
ERGASTOPLASMSergastoplasms n. Plural of ergastoplasm.
ERGASTOPLASM n. ribosome-studded endoplasmic reticulum.
GASTRONOMISTSgastronomists n. Plural of gastronomist.
GASTRONOMIST n. one versed in gastronomy, the art of good eating.
GASTROSTOMIESgastrostomies n. Plural of gastrostomy.
GASTROSTOMY n. a cutting into, or opening of, the abdomen or the stomach, also GASTROTOMY.
MASTERSINGERSmastersingers n. Plural of mastersinger.
MASTERSINGER n. a Meistersinger.
MESOGNATHISMSMESOGNATHISM n. the state of having slightly projecting jaws, also MESOGNATHY.
METASTASISINGmetastasising v. Present participle of metastasise.
METASTASISE v. to spread or grow by or as if by metastasis, also METASTASIZE.
REASSIGNMENTSreassignments n. Plural of reassignment.
REASSIGNMENT n. the act of reassigning.
SCAPEGOATISMSscapegoatisms n. Plural of scapegoatism.
SCAPEGOATISM n. the act of making scapegoats.
SCHISMATISINGschismatising v. Present participle of schismatise.
SCHISMATISE v. to practise schism; to make a schism, also SCHISMATIZE.
SEMASIOLOGISTsemasiologist n. One who studies semasiology.
SEMASIOLOGIST n. a student of semasiology, the study of meaning.
SOMATOLOGISTSsomatologists n. Plural of somatologist.
SOMATOLOGIST n. a specialist in somatology.
STIGMASTEROLSstigmasterols n. Plural of stigmasterol.
STIGMASTEROL n. a crystalline sterol obtained esp. from soybean oil.
SYSTEMATISINGsystematising v. Present participle of systematise.
SYSTEMATISE v. to reduce to a system, also SYSTEMATIZE.
TSUTSUGAMUSHItsutsugamushi n. A form of typhus caused by Orientia tsutsugamushi and transmitted by chiggers.
TSUTSUGAMUSHI n. (Japanese) any of various rickettsial disease, including scrub typhus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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