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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing A, G, M, R, 2T and U

ARGUMENTATIONargumentation n. Inference based on reasoning from given propositions.
argumentation n. An exchange of arguments.
argumentation n. The addition of arguments to a model; parameterization.
ARGUMENTATIVEargumentative adj. Of or relating to argumentation; specifically, presenting a logical argument or line of reasoning; argumentive…
argumentative adj. Prone to argue or dispute.
ARGUMENTATIVE adj. given to argument, also ARGUMENTIVE.
DEUTEROGAMISTdeuterogamist n. (Theology, law) A practicer or supporter of deuterogamy.
DEUTEROGAMIST n. someone who remarries after a spouse's death, also DIGAMIST.
DRAMATURGISTSdramaturgists n. Plural of dramaturgist.
DRAMATURGIST n. a dramatist; specifically a reader and literary editor etc. to a permanent theatrical company, also DRAMATURG, DRAMATURGE.
INTEGUMENTARYintegumentary adj. Of, related to, or composed of integuments.
INTEGUMENTARY adj. of or like an integument, also INTEGUMENTAL.
MAGISTRATURESmagistratures n. Plural of magistrature.
MAGISTRATURE n. the office or rank of a magistrate.
MATRICULATINGmatriculating v. Present participle of matriculate.
MATRICULATE v. to enroll.
MEGASTRUCTUREmegastructure n. A very large structure.
megastructure n. (Uncountable) The large-scale structure of a material, as contrasted to the fine-scale structure.
mega-structure n. Alternative form of megastructure.
METALLURGISTSmetallurgists n. Plural of metallurgist.
METALLURGIST n. a practitioner of metallurgy.
MOUTHWATERINGmouthwatering adj. That is pleasing to the sense of taste; appetizing; that makes one salivate.
mouthwatering adj. (By extension) Enticing or tantalizing.
mouth-watering adj. Alternative form of mouthwatering.
MULTITRACKINGmultitracking n. Multitrack recording.
MULTITRACK v. to make a recording using many tracks.
RESTIMULATINGrestimulating v. Present participle of restimulate.
RESTIMULATE v. to stimulate again.
SUFFRAGETTISMsuffragettism n. The suffragette movement for women’s voting rights.
SUFFRAGETTISM n. belief in the aims of the suffragette.
THAUMATURGICSthaumaturgics n. Feats of legerdemain, or magical performances.
THAUMATURGICS n. the performance of magic tricks using sleight-of-hand etc.
THAUMATURGIESthaumaturgies n. Plural of thaumaturgy.
THAUMATURGY n. the performance of miracles.
THAUMATURGISMthaumaturgism n. Thaumaturgy; miracle-working.
THAUMATURGISM n. belief in the performance of miracles.
THAUMATURGISTthaumaturgist n. A performer of thaumaturgy; a performer of miracles; a magician.
THAUMATURGIST n. a performer of miracles, also THAUMATURGUS.
ULTRARIGHTISMultrarightism n. Ultraright beliefs generally.
ULTRARIGHTISM n. adherence to extreme right-wing policies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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