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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing A, G, L, M, N and 2T

ANTILOGARITHMantilogarithm n. (Mathematics) The number of which a given number is the logarithm (to a given base).
ANTILOGARITHM n. a number of which a given number is the logarithm, also ANTILOG.
CONTEMPLATINGcontemplating v. Present participle of contemplate.
CONTEMPLATE v. to view or consider with continued attention.
DEMETHYLATINGdemethylating v. Present participle of demethylate.
ELECTROMAGNETelectromagnet n. A magnet which attracts metals only when electrically activated.
electro-magnet n. Alternative form of electromagnet.
ELECTROMAGNET n. a core of magnetic material surrounded by a coil of wire through which an electric current is passed to magnetize the core.
ENTANGLEMENTSentanglements n. Plural of entanglement.
ENTANGLEMENT n. the action of entangling.
LEGITIMATIONSlegitimations n. Plural of legitimation.
LEGITIMATION n. the act of making legitimate.
MATRICULATINGmatriculating v. Present participle of matriculate.
MATRICULATE v. to enroll.
MULTIMEGATONSmultimegatons n. An amount of several megatons.
MULTITASKINGSMULTITASKING n. the action of running several processes or jobs simultaneously on a system.
MULTITRACKINGmultitracking n. Multitrack recording.
MULTITRACK v. to make a recording using many tracks.
MULTUNGULATESmultungulates n. Plural of multungulate.
MULTUNGULATE n. a multungulate animal.
NEMATOLOGISTSnematologists n. Plural of nematologist.
NEMATOLOGIST n. a student of nematodes.
ONOMATOLOGISTonomatologist n. One versed in the history of names.
ONOMATOLOGIST n. one who studies onomatology, the science of names.
RESTIMULATINGrestimulating v. Present participle of restimulate.
RESTIMULATE v. to stimulate again.
STIMULATINGLYstimulatingly adv. In a stimulating manner.
STIMULATING adv. STIMULATE, to excite, to inspire enthusiasm in.
STRANGLEMENTSstranglements n. Plural of stranglement.
STRANGLEMENT n. the act of strangling.
TELEMARKETINGtelemarketing n. The business of selling products or services by making unsolicited telephone calls to potential customers.
TELEMARKETING n. the marketing of goods or services by telephone.
UNMITIGATEDLYunmitigatedly adv. In an unmitigated manner.
UNMITIGATED adv. not lessened.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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