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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing A, G, 2I, P, T and U

AMPHIGASTRIUMAMPHIGASTRIUM n. a scalelike leaf on the ventral side of some liverworts.
DEDUPLICATINGdeduplicating v. Present participle of deduplicate.
DEDUPLICATE v. to remove (duplicated material) from a system.
HARUSPICATINGharuspicating v. Present participle of haruspicate.
HARUSPICATE v. to foretell by inspection of animals' entrails.
IMPOSTUMATINGIMPOSTUMATE v. to form or inflict an abscess, also IMPOSTHUMATE.
INCAPSULATINGincapsulating v. Present participle of incapsulate.
INCAPSULATE v. to enclose in or as if in a capsule, also ENCAPSULATE.
OUTPASSIONINGoutpassioning v. Present participle of outpassion.
OUTPASSION v. to exceed in passion.
PENINSULATINGpeninsulating v. Present participle of peninsulate.
PENINSULATE v. to form into a peninsula.
PRECAUTIONINGprecautioning v. Present participle of precaution.
PRECAUTION v. to forewarn.
PREFIGURATINGprefigurating v. Present participle of prefigurate.
PREFIGURATE v. to prefigure.
PREFIGURATIONprefiguration n. A vague representation or suggestion of something before it has happened or been accomplished.
prefiguration n. Something that prefigures.
PREFIGURATION n. the act of prefiguring.
PREFIGURATIVEprefigurative adj. Showing by prefiguration.
PREFIGURATIVE adj. relating to prefiguration.
PREJUDICATINGprejudicating v. Present participle of prejudicate.
PREJUDICATE v. (obsolete) to spoil, prejudice.
PUTANGITANGISPUTANGITANGI n. (Maori) a New Zealand bird, aka paradise duck.
REDUPLICATINGreduplicating v. Present participle of reduplicate.
REDUPLICATE v. to make or perform again.
UNDERPAINTINGunderpainting n. (Art) An initial layer of paint, often monochromatic, applied to a ground as a base for subsequent layers.
underpainting n. (Art) A painting that the artist later painted over to create the final work.
UNDERPAINTING n. preliminary painting.
UPGRADABILITYupgradability n. (Computing, of electronic equipment) Capability of being improved in functionality by the addition or…
UPGRADABILITY n. the state of being upgradable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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