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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing A, F, 2O, R and 2T

AFFORESTATIONafforestation n. The act or process of creating a new forest where none had existed before, or reforestation of areas long deforested.
AFFORESTATION n. the process of establishing a forest esp. on land not previously forested.
CONFRONTATIONconfrontation n. The act of confronting or challenging another, especially face to face.
confrontation n. A conflict between armed forces.
CONFRONTATION n. the act of confronting.
CONTRAFAGOTTIcontrafagotti n. Plural of contrafagotto.
CONTRAFAGOTTO n. (Italian) a musical instrument like a bassoon.
CONTRAFAGOTTOcontrafagotto n. Contrabassoon.
CONTRAFAGOTTO n. (Italian) a musical instrument like a bassoon.
DEFORESTATIONdeforestation n. The process of destroying a forest and replacing it with something else, especially with an agricultural system.
deforestation n. (Computing theory) A transformation to eliminate intermediate data structures within a program.
DEFORESTATION n. the act of clearing forests.
FACTORISATIONfactorisation n. Alternative spelling of factorization.
FACTORISATION n. the operation of resolving a quantity into factors, also FACTORIZATION.
FACTORIZATIONfactorization n. (Mathematics) The process of creating a list of factors.
factorization n. (Mathematics) An expression listing items that, when multiplied together, will produce a desired quantity.
factorization n. A list of factors. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
FLUOROACETATEfluoroacetate n. (Chemistry) Any salt of fluoroacetic acid.
FLUOROACETATE n. an organofluorine compound.
FORTIFICATIONfortification n. The act of fortifying; the art or science of fortifying places to strengthen defence against an enemy.
fortification n. That which fortifies; especially, a work or works erected to defend a place against attack; a fortified…
fortification n. An increase in effectiveness, as by adding ingredients.
FRACTIONATIONfractionation n. (Chemistry) A separation process in which a certain quantity of a mixture is divided up into smaller…
fractionation n. (Radiotherapy) The division of a total dose of radiation into fractions.
fractionation n. (Cryptography) A preliminary stage of encryption that divides each plaintext symbol into several ciphertext symbols.
FRACTIONATORSfractionators n. Plural of fractionator.
FRACTIONATOR n. a plant for carrying out fractional distillation.
MORTIFICATIONmortification n. The act of mortifying.
mortification n. A sensation of extreme shame or embarrassment.
mortification n. (Medicine) The death of part of the body.
OLFACTOMETERSolfactometers n. Plural of olfactometer.
OLFACTOMETER n. an instrument measuring intensity of odour of a substance.
PONTIFICATORSpontificators n. Plural of pontificator.
PONTIFICATOR n. one who pontificates, speaks in a pompous and dogmatic manner.
REFORESTATIONreforestation n. The act or process of replanting a forest, especially after clear-cutting.
REFORESTATION n. the action of renewing forest cover, as by natural seeding or by the artificial planting of seeds or young trees.
TORREFACTIONStorrefactions n. Plural of torrefaction.
TORREFACTION n. the act of torrefying.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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