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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing A, F, I, P, R and 2S

CRAFTMANSHIPSCRAFTMANSHIP n. the attributes of a craftsman, also CRAFTSMANSHIP.
CRAFTSMANSHIPcraftsmanship n. The quality of being a craftsman.
craftsmanship n. An example of a craftsman’s work.
CRAFTSMANSHIP n. the skills of craftsman, also CRAFTMANSHIP.
DRAFTSMANSHIPdraftsmanship n. The art or craft of a draftsman.
draftsmanship n. The skill of drawing.
DRAFTSMANSHIP n. the craft of the draftsman, also DRAUGHTSMANSHIP.
FISSIPARITIESfissiparities n. Plural of fissiparity.
FISSIPARITY n. the state of being fissiparous.
FISSIPAROUSLYfissiparously adv. In a fissiparous manner.
FISSIPAROUS adv. producing new biological units or individuals by fission, as with most strains of bacteria.
FORTEPIANISTSfortepianists n. Plural of fortepianist.
FORTEPIANIST n. a player of the fortepiano.
FRESHMANSHIPSFRESHMANSHIP n. the state of being a freshman.
PASSIONFLOWERpassionflower n. Any of very many vines, in North America and elsewhere, of the genus Passiflora that bear edible fruit…
passionflower n. The flower of this plant.
Passionflower n. Alternative letter-case form of passionflower.
PRESANCTIFIESPRESANCTIFY v. to sanctify in advance.
PROFESSIONALSprofessionals n. Plural of professional.
PROFESSIONAL n. one that is professional.
PROFESSORIATEprofessoriate n. Professors considered as a group or body.
professoriate n. (Dated) The office of a professor.
PROFESSORIATE n. the body of college and university teachers at an institution or in society, also PROFESSORIAT.
PROFESSORIATSprofessoriats n. Plural of professoriat.
PROFESSORIAT n. the body of college and university teachers at an institution or in society, also PROFESSORIATE.
SHAPESHIFTERSshapeshifters n. Plural of shapeshifter.
shape-shifters n. Plural of shape-shifter.
SHAPESHIFTER n. (in folklore) a creature that has the ability to change its physical form at will.
SUFFRAGANSHIPsuffraganship n. The rank or office of a suffragan.
SUFFRAGANSHIP n. the office a suffragan.
SUPERFAMILIESsuperfamilies n. Plural of superfamily.
SUPERFAMILY n. a category of biological classification ranking below an order and above a family.
SUPERSAFETIESSUPERSAFETY n. the state of being supersafe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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