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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 14 thirteen-letter words containing A, E, 2N, 2O and Z

CONVERSAZIONEconversazione n. A formal gathering where something related to the arts or academia is discussed.
conversazione n. (By extension) A community social gathering.
CONVERSAZIONE n. (Italian) a meeting for conversation esp. about art, literature, or science.
CONVERSAZIONIconversazioni n. Plural of conversazione.
CONVERSAZIONE n. (Italian) a meeting for conversation esp. about art, literature, or science.
DEIONIZATIONSdeionizations n. Plural of deionization.
DEIONIZATION n. the process of deionizing, also DEIONISATION.
DEMONIZATIONSdemonizations n. Plural of demonization.
DEMONIZATION n. the act of demonising, also DEMONISATION.
ECONOMIZATIONeconomization n. The act or practice of using resources to the best effect.
ECONOMIZATION n. the process of economizing, also ECONOMISATION.
MODERNIZATIONmodernization n. The process of modernizing.
MODERNIZATION n. the act of modernizing, also MODERNISATION.
MONETIZATIONSmonetizations n. Plural of monetization.
MONETIZATION n. the act of monetizing, also MONETISATION.
NOVELIZATIONSnovelizations n. Plural of novelization.
NOVELIZATION n. the act of making into a novel, also NOVELISATION.
PEPTONIZATIONpeptonization n. (Physiology, biochemistry) The conversion of a protein into peptones under the influence of the enzyme pepsin.
PEPTONIZATION n. the process of peptonizing, also PEPTONISATION.
PHONETIZATIONphonetization n. The art or process of representing sounds by phonetic signs.
PHONETIZATION n. the process of phonetizing, also PHONETISATION.
PRECONIZATIONpreconization n. A publishing by proclamation; a public proclamation.
preconization n. A formal approbation by the pope of a person nominated to an ecclesiastical dignity.
PRECONIZATION n. the process of preconizing, also PRECONISATION.
PRONOMINALIZEpronominalize v. (Transitive) To give the effect of a pronoun to.
PRONOMINALIZE v. to make into or treat as a pronoun, also PRONOMINALISE.
SOLEMNIZATIONsolemnization n. The performance of a ceremony (in an appropriate and solemn manner), such as performing a marriage.
SOLEMNIZATION n. the act of solemnizing, also SOLEMNISATION.
WEAPONIZATIONweaponization n. American spelling and Oxford British spelling standard spelling of weaponisation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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