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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 11 thirteen-letter words containing A, E, H, L, 2M and P

CLAMJAMPHRIESclamjamphries n. Plural of clamjamphrie.
CLAMJAMPHRIE n. (Scots) rubbish, nonsense, also CLAMJAMFRY, CLANJAMFRAY.
EPITHALAMIUMSepithalamiums n. Plural of epithalamium.
EPITHALAMIUM n. a lyric ode in honor of a bride and bridegroom, also EPITHALAMION.
HELMSMANSHIPShelmsmanships n. Plural of helmsmanship.
HELMSMANSHIP n. the role or skill of helmsman.
LYMPHOADENOMALYMPHOADENOMA n. a tumour of the lymph glands, aka Hodgkin's disease.
LYMPHOMATOSESlymphomatoses n. Plural of lymphomatosis.
LYMPHOMATOSIS n. the presence of multiple lymphomas in the body.
MAXIMAPHILIESMAXIMAPHILY n. the study and collection of maximum cards.
MESOCEPHALISMmesocephalism n. The property of being mesocephalic.
MESOCEPHALISM n. having a medium skull, also MESOCEPHALY.
MORPHEMICALLYmorphemically adv. By means of, or in terms, of morphemes.
MORPHEMIC adv. of or like a morpheme.
PENTHEMIMERALpenthemimeral adj. (Prosody) Relating to a penthemimer.
PENTHEMIMERAL adj. of or like a penthemimer, a metrical group of two and a half feet.
PHENOMENALISMphenomenalism n. (Philosophy) The doctrine that physical objects exist only as perceptual phenomena or sensory stimuli.
PHENOMENALISM n. the doctrine that knowledge can only comprehend phenomena, also PHENOMENISM.
PLETHYSMOGRAMplethysmogram n. A recording made by the plethysmograph.
PLETHYSMOGRAM n. a tracing made by a plethysmograph.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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