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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 13 thirteen-letter words containing A, E, 2G, S, T and U

AGGLUTINOGENSagglutinogens n. Plural of agglutinogen.
AGGLUTINOGEN n. a substance causing the production of agglutinin.
AUTOSUGGESTEDautosuggested v. Simple past tense and past participle of autosuggest.
AUTOSUGGEST v. to influence one's own actions by self-suggestion.
DAUGHTERLINGSdaughterlings n. Plural of daughterling.
DAUGHTERLING n. a small daughter.
GALACTAGOGUESgalactagogues n. Plural of galactagogue.
GALACTAGOGUE n. a medicine that promotes secretion of milk.
GEITONOGAMOUSgeitonogamous adj. Relating to or exhibiting geitonogamy.
GEITONOGAMOUS adj. relating to geitonogamy, pollination of a flower by another flower on the same plant.
GESTICULATINGgesticulating v. Present participle of gesticulate.
GESTICULATE v. to make gestures esp. when speaking.
GUESSTIMATINGguesstimating v. Present participle of guesstimate.
GUESSTIMATE v. to estimate without adequate information, also GUESTIMATE.
METALANGUAGESmetalanguages n. Plural of metalanguage.
METALANGUAGE n. a language used to talk about language.
RUGGEDISATIONruggedisation n. Alternative spelling of ruggedization.
RUGGEDISATION n. the process of ruggedising, also RUGGEDIZATION.
SECRETAGOGUESsecretagogues n. Plural of secretagogue.
SECRETAGOGUE n. a substance inducing or stimulating secretion.
SLUGGARDLIESTSLUGGARDLY adj. like a sluggard, a habitually lazy person.
STAGGERBUSHESstaggerbushes n. Plural of staggerbush.
STAGGERBUSH n. a shrubby heath of the Eastern US, poisonous to livestock.
SUBAGGREGATESsubaggregates n. Plural of subaggregate.
SUBAGGREGATE n. part of an aggregate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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