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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing A, 2E, 2H, N and P

ARCHIPHONEMESarchiphonemes n. Plural of archiphoneme.
ARCHIPHONEME n. an abstract linguistic unit representing two or more phonemes when the distinction between these has been neutralized, conventionally shown by a capital letter within slashes.
ASTHENOSPHEREasthenosphere n. (Geology) The zone of the Earth’s upper mantle, below the lithosphere.
ASTHENOSPHERE n. the upper layer of the earth's mantle, below the lithosphere, characterized by a relatively low resistance to plastic flow.
ETHNOGRAPHERSethnographers n. Plural of ethnographer.
ETHNOGRAPHER n. a student of ethnography.
ETHNOGRAPHIESethnographies n. Plural of ethnography.
ETHNOGRAPHY n. the study and systematic recording of human cultures.
HAPPENCHANCEShappenchances n. Plural of happenchance.
HAPPENCHANCE n. a circumstance esp. that is due to chance, also HAPPENSTANCE.
HEBEPHRENIACShebephreniacs n. Plural of hebephreniac.
HEBEPHRENIAC n. one suffering from hebephrenia, a form of dementia occurring at puberty, also HEBEPHRENIC.
HYPERSTHENIAShypersthenias n. Plural of hypersthenia.
HYPERSTHENIA n. a morbid condition marked by excessive excitement of all the vital phenomena.
HYPOMENORRHEAhypomenorrhea n. The condition of menstrual blood flow that is extremely light.
HYPOMENORRHEA n. the condition in which the interval between two menstrual periods is increased to between 35 and 42 days, also HYPOMENORRHOEA.
LEPRECHAUNISHleprechaunish adj. Resembling or characteristic of a leprechaun.
LEPRECHAUNISH adj. like a leprechaun, a small supernatural creature in Irish folklore.
NEPHROPATHIESnephropathies n. Plural of nephropathy.
NEPHROPATHY n. kidney disease.
PHANEROPHYTESphanerophytes n. Plural of phanerophyte.
PHANEROPHYTE n. a perennial plant that bears its perennating buds well above the surface of the ground.
PHENANTHRENESphenanthrenes n. Plural of phenanthrene.
PHENANTHRENE n. an aromatic hydrocarbon of coal tar.
PHENOTHIAZINEphenothiazine n. (Organic chemistry) A polycyclic heterocycle consisting of two benzene rings fused to one of thiazine;…
phenothiazine n. (Medicine) Any of a family of pharmaceuticals, derived from this compound, used to treat schizophrenia etc.
PHENOTHIAZINE n. a crystalline compound used as an anthelmintic and insecticide esp. in veterinary practice.
RHINENCEPHALArhinencephala n. Plural of rhinencephalon.
RHINENCEPHALON n. the olfactory lobe of the brain.
SENESCHALSHIPseneschalship n. The office of a seneschal.
seneschalship n. The term of office of a seneschal.
SENESCHALSHIP n. the office of seneschal.
SHEEPSHEARINGsheepshearing n. The act of shearing sheep.
SHEEPSHEARING n. the act of shearing sheep.
TENORRHAPHIEStenorrhaphies n. Plural of tenorrhaphy.
TENORRHAPHY n. the repairing of a split or torn tendon by sutures.
THEANTHROPIESTHEANTHROPY n. a belief in the union of divine and human.
THEATROPHONESTHEATROPHONE n. (historical) a telephone connecting callers to a theatre so they can listen to a live performance there.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 120 words
  • Scrabble in French: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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