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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing A, D, I, R, 2S and Y

ASTRODYNAMICSastrodynamics n. The study of the motion of rockets and other spacecraft usually from Newton’s laws of motion and Newton’s…
ASTRODYNAMICS n. the science of the motion of bodies in outer space and the forces that act on them.
BRADYKINESIASbradykinesias n. Plural of bradykinesia.
BRADYKINESIA n. abnormal slowness of physical movement, esp. as a symptom of Parkinson's disease.
DECRASSIFYINGdecrassifying v. Present participle of decrassify.
DECRASSIFY v. to make less crass or boorish.
DIGRESSIONARYdigressionary adj. Serving as a digression.
DIGRESSIONARY adj. relating to digression.
DISPRAISINGLYdispraisingly adv. By way of dispraise.
DISSIMILARITYdissimilarity n. Lack of similarity or lack of likeness in appearance to something else.
DISSIMILARITY n. the state of being dissimilar.
DISSIMILATORYdissimilatory adj. Of, pertaining to, or causing dissimilation.
DISSIMILATORY adj. serving to dissimilate, make dissimilar, also DISSIMILATIVE.
DITHYRAMBISTSDITHYRAMBIST n. one who sings dithyrambic hymns.
HEADMISTRESSYheadmistressy adj. Resembling or characteristic of a headmistress.
HEADMISTRESSY adj. like a headmistress, bossy.
HYDRARTHROSIShydrarthrosis n. (Medicine) An effusion of watery liquid into the cavity of a joint.
HYDRARTHROSIS n. swelling of a joint caused by the accumulation in it of watery fluid.
HYDRASTININEShydrastinines n. Plural of hydrastinine.
HYDRASTININE n. a colourless crystalline water-soluble compound whose pharmacological action resembles that of hydrastine.
HYDROPATHISTShydropathists n. Plural of hydropathist.
HYDROPATHIST n. one who treats with hydropathy.
MYOCARDITISESmyocarditises n. Plural of myocarditis.
MYOCARDITIS n. inflammation of the myocardium.
PERISSODACTYLperissodactyl n. Any ungulate mammal with an odd number of toes and belonging to the Perissodactyla, including the horses…
PERISSODACTYL n. an animal of the Perissodactyla, a division of ungulates with an odd number of toes, including the horse, tapir and rhinoceros, also PERISSODACTYLE.
PRASEODYMIUMSpraseodymiums n. Plural of praseodymium.
PRASEODYMIUM n. a chemical element, a metal with green salts, isolated from the once-supposed element didymium.
SEMISEDENTARYsemisedentary adj. Somewhat or partially sedentary.
SEMISEDENTARY adj. sedentary during part of the year and nomadic otherwise.
TRYPARSAMIDEStryparsamides n. Plural of tryparsamide.
TRYPARSAMIDE n. a synthetic crystalline compound of arsenic used in the treatment of trypanosomal and other protozoan infections.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 130 words
  • Scrabble in French: 37 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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