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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, N, 2R, T and V

ANTICORROSIVEanticorrosive n. An agent that prevents or stops corrosion.
anticorrosive adj. Preventing or counteracting corrosion.
ANTICORROSIVE n. a substance designed to counteract corrosion.
AVERRUNCATINGaverruncating v. Present participle of averruncate.
AVERRUNCATE v. (archaic) to ward off; to uproot.
AVERRUNCATIONaverruncation n. (Archaic, rare) (The act of) warding off, averting (something evil).
averruncation n. Eradication, uprooting.
AVERRUNCATION n. the act of averruncating.
AVERRUNCATORSaverruncators n. Plural of averruncator.
AVERRUNCATOR n. an instrument (on a pole) for pruning trees.
CONSERVATOIREconservatoire n. (Music) A music academy.
CONSERVATOIRE n. (French) a public place of instruction in any special branch, esp. music and the arts.
CONSERVATORIAconservatoria n. Plural of conservatorium.
CONSERVATORIUM n. (Latin) a school of music, also CONSERVATOIRE.
CONTROVERSIALcontroversial adj. Arousing controversy—a debate or discussion of opposing opinions.
CONTROVERSIAL adj. of, relating to, or arousing controversy.
INCORPORATIVEincorporative adj. That serves to incorporate.
incorporative adj. (Grammar) Polysynthetic.
INCORPORATIVE adj. serving to incorporate.
INTRACAVITARYintracavitary adj. Into a cavity of the body.
INTRACAVITARY adj. applied within or through body cavities, as radium applied in the uterus, or irradiation through natural or artificial body cavities.
INTRAVASCULARintravascular adj. Pertaining to anything inside blood vessels, including the internal surface of veins and arteries.
INTRAVASCULAR adj. situated in, occurring in, or administered by entry into a blood vessel.
NECTARIVOROUSnectarivorous adj. That feeds on nectar.
NECTARIVOROUS adj. eating nectar.
OVERREACTIONSoverreactions n. Plural of overreaction.
OVERREACTION n. excessive reaction.
PREVARICATINGprevaricating v. Present participle of prevaricate.
PREVARICATE v. to avoid telling the truth by being ambiguous, evading, or misleading.
PREVARICATIONprevarication n. (Now rare) Deviation from what is right or correct.
prevarication n. Evasion of the truth.
prevarication n. A secret abuse in the exercise of a public office.
RECRIMINATIVErecriminative adj. Recriminatory.
RECRIMINATIVE adj. relating to recrimination.
TRANSCRIPTIVEtranscriptive adj. Pertaining to, or having the character of, transcription.
TRANSCRIPTIVE adj. relating to transcription.
TURACOVERDINSTURACOVERDIN n. an iron-based pigment in turaco feathers, the only pure green pigment found in birds.
VERNACULARISTvernacularist n. A supporter of vernacularism.
VERNACULARIST n. a user of the vernacular.
VERNACULARITYvernacularity n. (Uncountable) The quality of being vernacular.
vernacularity n. (Countable) A vernacular utterance.
VERNACULARITY n. the state of being vernacular.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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