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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, M, N, P and 2R

CAMERAPERSONScamerapersons n. Plural of cameraperson.
CAMERAPERSON n. a male or female cameraman.
CARPETMONGERScarpetmongers n. Plural of carpetmonger.
CARPETMONGER n. (Shakespeare) an effeminate person.
HYPERROMANTIChyperromantic adj. Extremely romantic.
HYPERROMANTIC n. one who is excessively romantic.
INTERCOMPAREDintercompared v. Simple past tense and past participle of intercompare.
INTERCOMPARE v. to make a comparison between.
INTERCOMPARESintercompares v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of intercompare.
INTERCOMPARE v. to make a comparison between.
MARCONIGRAPHSmarconigraphs n. Plural of marconigraph.
MARCONIGRAPH v. to send a message by wireless telegraphy.
MARSIPOBRANCHmarsipobranch n. (Zoology) One of the Marsipobranchia.
MARSIPOBRANCH n. a member of the Marsipobranchi, the Cyclostomata.
MICROGRAPHINGmicrographing v. Present participle of micrograph.
MICROGRAPH v. to write with a micrograph.
NONPARAMETRICnonparametric adj. (Mathematics) Having a flexible number or nature of parameters which are not fixed in advance.
nonparametric adj. (Statistics) Free of assumptions about the frequency distributions of the variables being assessed.
non-parametric adj. Alternative form of nonparametric.
PARACHRONISMSparachronisms n. Plural of parachronism.
PARACHRONISM n. the representation of something as being newer than it is.
PARARESCUEMANpararescueman n. A soldier who parachutes into hostile territory to rescue fellow soldiers.
PARARESCUEMENpararescuemen n. Plural of pararescueman.
PICROCARMINESPICROCARMINE n. a stain for microscope work made from carmine, ammonia, water and picric acid.
PROMONARCHISTpromonarchist adj. In favour of monarchism.
promonarchist n. A supporter of monarchism.
PROMONARCHIST adj. in favour of monarchy.
RAPPROCHEMENTrapprochement n. The reestablishment of cordial relations, particularly between two countries; a reconciliation.
RAPPROCHEMENT n. (French) a resumption of or improvement in relations between countries or persons.
SUPERCOLUMNARsupercolumnar adj. Above a column.
SUPERCOLUMNAR adj. above a column or colonnade; with one colonnade above another.
SUPERCRIMINALsupercriminal n. A very skilled or powerful criminal.
SUPERCRIMINAL n. an exceptional criminal.
SUPERROMANTICsuperromantic adj. Exceptionally romantic.
SUPERROMANTIC adj. extremely romantic.
TRANSCRIPTOMEtranscriptome n. (Biochemistry, genetics) The complete set of RNA molecules (transcripts) produced in a cell or a population of cells.
TRANSCRIPTOME n. a collection of all the messenger RNA in a particular cell.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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