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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, L, O, 2T and V

COCULTIVATINGcocultivating v. Present participle of cocultivate.
COCULTIVATE v. to cultivate together.
COCULTIVATIONcocultivation n. (Biology) The simultaneous cultivation of two or more species of microorganism, or types of tissue…
COCULTIVATION n. the act of cocultivating.
COMMUTATIVELYcommutatively adv. In a commutative manner.
COMMUTATIVE adv. of, relating to, or showing commutation.
CONNOTATIVELYconnotatively adv. In a way that connotes.
CONNOTATIVE adv. signifying or suggesting ideas, also CONNOTIVE.
CONTEMPLATIVEcontemplative adj. Inclined to contemplate; introspective and thoughtful; meditative.
contemplative adj. Pertaining to a religious contemplative, or a contemplative religious orders, especially the Roman Catholic varieties.
contemplative adj. Relating to, or having the power of, contemplation.
CONTRACTIVELYCONTRACTIVE adv. tending to contract.
CONTRASTIVELYcontrastively adv. In a contrastive manner.
CONTRASTIVE adv. forming or consisting of a contrast.
CORRELATIVITYcorrelativity n. The state or quality of being correlative.
CORRELATIVITY n. the quality of being correlative.
ELECTROACTIVEelectroactive adj. (Physics, chemistry) describing any material (especially in a cell) that is electrically active or responsive.
electroactive adj. (Physics, chemistry) describing any polymer that changes shape in the presence of an electric field.
ELECTROACTIVE adj. as in electroactive polymers, polymers whose shape is modified when a voltage is applied to them.
ELECTROVALENTelectrovalent adj. (Chemistry) Of or pertaining to electrovalency/electrovalence.
ELECTROVALENT adj. relating to union within a chemical compound achieved by transfer of electrons.
NONCULTIVATEDnoncultivated adj. Not cultivated.
NONCULTIVATED adj. not cultivated.
PHOTOVOLTAICSphotovoltaics n. (Physics) The technology of the conversion of sunlight into electricity using semiconductors that exhibit…
PHOTOVOLTAICS n. the science and technology of photovoltaic devices and substances.
RECULTIVATIONrecultivation n. Cultivation again or anew.
RETROACTIVELYretroactively adv. Done after the fact; applying to events that have previously transpired.
RETROACTIVE adv. taking effect as from a previous date.
STRATOVOLCANOstratovolcano n. (Volcanology) A tall conical volcano, composed of layers (or strata) of hardened lava, tephra and ash.
STRATOVOLCANO n. a composite volcano, composed of alternating layers of lava and pyroclastic material, along with abundant dikes and sills.
VOCATIONALISTvocationalist n. A proponent of vocationalism.
VOCATIONALIST n. an exponent of vocationalism.
VOLUNTARISTICvoluntaristic adj. Pertaining to voluntary activity; supporting or promoting voluntarism.
VOLUNTARISTIC adj. relating to voluntarism, the philosophical doctrine that the will dominates the intellect.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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