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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 13 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, 2L, T, U and V

CIRCUMVALLATEcircumvallate v. (Transitive) To surround with, or as if with, a rampart.
circumvallate adj. Surrounded with a wall; enclosed with a rampart.
circumvallate adj. (Anatomy) Surrounded by a ridge or elevation.
CONVOLUTIONALconvolutional adj. Of, pertaining to, or causing convolution.
CONVOLUTIONAL adj. of or like convolution.
CULTIVABILITYcultivability n. The quality or degree of being cultivable.
CULTIVABILITY n. the quality of being cultivable.
FACULTATIVELYfacultatively adv. In a facultative manner.
FACULTATIVE adv. optional; incidental.
HALLUCINATIVEhallucinative adj. Relating to hallucination; hallucinatory.
HALLUCINATIVE adj. tending to produce hallucination, also HALLUCINATORY.
INVOLUCELLATEinvolucellate adj. (Botany) Furnished with involucels.
INVOLUCELLATE adj. having an involucel, also INVOLUCELLATED.
MULTIVALENCESmultivalences n. Plural of multivalence.
MULTIVALENCE n. the state of being multivalent, also MULTIVALENCY.
REVICTUALLINGrevictualling v. Present participle of revictual.
REVICTUAL v. to victual again.
SILVICULTURALsilvicultural adj. Of, pertaining to, or obtained by silviculture.
SILVICULTURAL adj. relating to silviculture, also SYLVICULTURAL.
SPECULATIVELYspeculatively adv. In a speculative manner.
SPECULATIVE adv. involving, based on, or constituting intellectual speculation.
SYLVICULTURALsylvicultural adj. Alternative form of silvicultural.
SYLVICULTURAL adj. relating to sylviculture, also SILVICULTURAL.
ULTRAVIOLENCEultraviolence n. Unnecessary, unprovoked (usually brutal) violence; violent acts simply for the thrill and entertainment of it.
ultra-violence n. Alternative spelling of ultraviolence.
ULTRAVIOLENCE n. extreme violence.
VULCANOLOGISTvulcanologist n. A person who studies volcanos.
VULCANOLOGIST n. one who studies vulcanology, also VOLCANOLOGIST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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