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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, 3L, P and T

ALLOTYPICALLYallotypically adv. In an allotypical manner.
ALLOTYPIC adv. of or like an allotype, a type of antibody.
APLANATICALLYAPLANATIC adv. of a lens, free of spherical aberration.
APOSTOLICALLYapostolically adv. In an apostolic way.
APOSTOLICAL adv. relating to the office of apostle, also APOSTOLIC.
CHLOROPLASTALchloroplastal adj. Relating to a chloroplast.
CHLOROPLASTAL adj. of or like a chloroplast, also CHLOROPLASTIC.
EPILEPTICALLYepileptically adv. In an epileptic manner; with, or as if with, epilepsy.
EPILEPTICAL adv. suffering from epilepsy, also EPILEPTIC.
IMPOLITICALLYimpolitically adv. In a way that is impolitic.
IMPOLITICAL adv. (obsolete) impolitic, also IMPOLITIC, UNPOLITIC.
LYMPHATICALLYlymphatically adv. By lymphatic means.
LYMPHATIC adv. relating to lymph.
MULTIPLICABLEmultiplicable adj. That can be multiplied.
MULTIPLICABLE adj. that can be multiplied, also MULTIPLIABLE.
PARALLACTICALparallactical adj. Alternative form of parallactic.
PARALLACTICAL adj. relating to parallax, also PARALLACTIC.
PARALLELISTICparallelistic adj. Of the nature of a parallelism; involving parallelism.
PARALLELISTIC adj. related to parallelism, the belief that matter and mind don't interact but relate.
PARALYTICALLYparalytically adv. In a paralytic manner.
PARALYTIC adv. suffering from paralysis.
PENICILLATELYPENICILLATE adv. like a tuft of hairs.
PHELLOPLASTICphelloplastic adj. Of or pertaining to phelloplasty.
phelloplastic n. A model made from cork.
PHELLOPLASTIC n. a model in cork.
PLETHORICALLYplethorically adv. In a plethoric manner: excessively, overabundantly.
PLETHORICAL adv. having a full habit of body; characterized by plethora or excess of blood, also PLETHORIC.
PROLEPTICALLYproleptically adv. In a proleptic manner; anticipatorily.
PROLEPTICAL adv. relating to prolepsis, also PROLEPTIC.
PYROLYTICALLYpyrolytically adv. By means of pyrolysis.
PYROLYTIC adv. relating to pyrolysis, decomposition due to heat.
SPLENETICALLYsplenetically adv. In a splenetic manner.
SPLENETICAL adv. marked by bad temper, malevolence or spite.
SYLLEPTICALLYsylleptically adv. By syllepsis.
SYLLEPTICAL adv. relating to syllepsis, a construction in which a word governs two or more other words, also SYLLEPTIC.
TOPOLOGICALLYtopologically adv. In a topological manner.
TOPOLOGICAL adv. relating to topology, also TOPOLOGIC.
TYPOLOGICALLYtypologically adv. In regards to typology.
TYPOLOGICAL adv. relating to typology, also TYPOLOGIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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