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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 9 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, 3L, N and R

CRESTFALLENLYcrestfallenly adv. In a crestfallen manner.
CRESTFALLEN adv. dispirited or disappointed by having one's hopes dashed.
CURVILINEALLYCURVILINEAL adv. bounded by curved lines.
CYLINDRICALLYcylindrically adv. In the manner of a cylinder.
cylindrically adv. With cylindrical symmetry.
CYLINDRICAL adv. shaped like a cylinder, also CYLINDRIC.
INTERCELLULARintercellular adj. Located between, or connecting, cells.
INTERCELLULAR adj. between cells.
INTRACELLULARintracellular adj. Inside or within a cell.
INTRACELLULAR adj. existing, occurring, or functioning within a cell.
KNUCKLEBALLERknuckleballer n. (Baseball) A baseball pitcher known for throwing knuckleballs.
KNUCKLEBALLER n. a player who delivers knuckleballs.
LAMELLIBRANCHlamellibranch n. Any marine or freshwater bivalve mollusk, of the class Lamellibranchia or Bivalvia; includes the clams…
LAMELLIBRANCH n. any member of the Lamellibranchiata, bivalve molluscs including clams, mussels and oysters.
PRECLINICALLYpreclinically adv. In a preclinical manner.
PRECLINICAL adv. relating to the period preceding clinical manifestations.
RECTILINEALLYrectilineally adv. Synonym of rectilinearly In a rectilineal fashion.
RECTILINEAL adv. moving in or forming a straight line, also RECTILINEAR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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