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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, I, 2O, R and Z

CARBONIZATIONcarbonization n. The act or process of carbonizing.
CARBONIZATION n. the act of carbonizing, also CARBONISATION.
CLOTRIMAZOLESclotrimazoles n. Plural of clotrimazole.
COLORIZATIONScolorizations n. Plural of colorization.
COLOURIZATIONcolourization n. Canada standard spelling of colorization.
CONVERSAZIONEconversazione n. A formal gathering where something related to the arts or academia is discussed.
conversazione n. (By extension) A community social gathering.
CONVERSAZIONE n. (Italian) a meeting for conversation esp. about art, literature, or science.
CONVERSAZIONIconversazioni n. Plural of conversazione.
CONVERSAZIONE n. (Italian) a meeting for conversation esp. about art, literature, or science.
CORPORATIZINGcorporatizing v. Present participle of corporatize.
CORPORATIZE v. to make corporate, also CORPORATISE.
CORPOREALIZEDcorporealized v. Simple past tense and past participle of corporealize.
CORPOREALIZE v. to make corporeal, also CORPOREALISE.
CORPOREALIZEScorporealizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of corporealize.
CORPOREALIZE v. to make corporeal, also CORPOREALISE.
CREOLIZATIONScreolizations n. Plural of creolization.
CREOLIZATION n. the development of a pidgin into a creole, also CREOLISATION.
EROTICIZATIONeroticization n. The act or process of eroticizing.
EROTICIZATION n. the process of eroticizing, also EROTICISATION.
FACTORIZATIONfactorization n. (Mathematics) The process of creating a list of factors.
factorization n. (Mathematics) An expression listing items that, when multiplied together, will produce a desired quantity.
factorization n. A list of factors. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
ISOCARBOXAZIDisocarboxazid n. (Pharmacology) An antidepressant drug C12H13N3O2.
ISOCARBOXAZID n. an antidepressant drug.
MICRONIZATIONmicronization n. (US) Alternative spelling of micronisation.
MICRONIZATION n. the process of micronizing, also MICRONISATION.
NARCOTIZATIONnarcotization n. (Uncountable) the state of being narcotized; narcosis.
narcotization n. (Countable) the act of narcotizing someone or something.
NARCOTIZATION n. the process of narcotizing, also NARCOTISATION.
PRECONIZATIONpreconization n. A publishing by proclamation; a public proclamation.
preconization n. A formal approbation by the pope of a person nominated to an ecclesiastical dignity.
PRECONIZATION n. the process of preconizing, also PRECONISATION.
SCHIZOCARPOUSschizocarpous adj. Of or relating to schizocarps.
SCHIZOCARPOUS adj. of or like a schizocarp, a compound fruit splitting into several one-seeded ones.
SECTORIZATIONsectorization n. Division into sectors.
SECTORIZATION n. the process of sectorizing, also SECTORISATION.
VECTORIZATIONvectorization n. The action of vectorizing.
VECTORIZATION n. the process of vectorizing, also VECTORISATION.
ZOOGEOGRAPHICzoogeographic adj. Of or relating to zoogeography; concerning the geographic distribution of animals.
ZOOGEOGRAPHIC adj. relating to zoogeography, also ZOOGEOGRAPHICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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