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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, G, 3L and N

BALNEOLOGICALbalneological adj. Of or pertaining to balneology.
BALNEOLOGICAL adj. related to balneology, the science of the therapeutic use of baths.
BLACKBALLINGSblackballings n. Plural of blackballing.
BLACKBALLING n. the act of voting against someone becoming member of a club.
CALCULATINGLYcalculatingly adv. In a calculating manner.
CALCULATING adv. CALCULATE, to count or reckon.
CHALLENGEABLEchallengeable adj. Able to be challenged or disputed.
CHALLENGEABLE adj. capable of being challenged.
CHALLENGINGLYchallengingly adv. In a way or to an extent that challenges.
CHALLENGING adv. CHALLENGE, to summon (someone) to settle a matter by fighting or by any kind of contest.
EVANGELICALLYevangelically adv. In an evangelical manner, concerning evangelism.
EVANGELICAL adv. of or relating to the Christian gospel.
ILLOGICALNESSillogicalness n. The quality of being illogical.
ILLOGICAL n. not logical, also UNLOGICAL.
LACTOGLOBULINlactoglobulin n. (Biochemistry) The globulin content of milk.
LACTOGLOBULIN n. a crystalline protein fraction that is obtained from the whey of milk.
NOMOLOGICALLYnomologically adv. In terms or by means of nomology.
NOMOLOGICAL adv. relating to nomology, the science of reasoning, also NOMOLOGIC.
NOSOLOGICALLYnosologically adv. In terms of nosology.
NOSOLOGICAL adv. relating to nosology, the science of diseases, also NOSOLOGIC.
NOSTALGICALLYnostalgically adv. In a nostalgic manner.
NOSTALGIC adv. missing the past.
ONTOLOGICALLYontologically adv. In an ontological manner.
ONTOLOGICAL adv. based upon being or existence, also ONTOLOGIC.
PALYNOLOGICALpalynological adj. Of or pertaining to palynology.
PALYNOLOGICAL adj. relating to palynology, the scientific study of spores and pollen, also PALYNOLOGIC.
PENOLOGICALLYpenologically adv. In terms of penology.
PENOLOGICAL adv. relating to penology, the study of crime and punishment.
SELENOLOGICALselenological adj. Of or pertaining to selenology.
SELENOLOGICAL adj. relating to selenology.
TELEGENICALLYtelegenically adv. In a telegenic manner.
TELEGENIC adv. well-suited to the medium of television, esp. in having an appearance and manner that are markedly attractive to television viewers.
VACILLATINGLYvacillatingly adv. In a vacillating manner; uncertainly, waveringly.
VACILLATING adv. VACILLATE, to fluctuate in opinion or resolution.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 6 words

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