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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, E, 2P and 2T

ANTIEPILEPTICantiepileptic adj. (Pharmacology) Acting to prevent epileptic seizures.
antiepileptic n. (Medicine) A drug which acts to prevent epileptic seizures.
ANTIEPILEPTIC n. a drug used to prevent or suppress epilepsy.
PARTICIPATIVEparticipative adj. That participates, or is capable of participating.
PARTICIPATIVE adj. relating to or involving participation.
PERIPATETICALperipatetical adj. Alternative form of peripatetic.
PERIPATETICAL adj. walking about from place to place, itinerant, also PERIPATETIC.
PHREATOPHYTICphreatophytic adj. Relating to phreatophytes.
PHREATOPHYTIC adj. of or like a phreatophyte, a plant with a deep root system that draws its water supply from near the water table.
PRECAPITALISTprecapitalist adj. Pertaining to precapitalism, a time before capitalism.
precapitalist n. A member of a precapitalist society.
PRECAPITALIST adj. belonging to the period before capitalism.
PRECEPTORATESPRECEPTORATE n. the office of preceptor.
PRECIPITANTLYprecipitantly adv. With foolish or rash haste; in a headlong manner.
PRECIPITANT adv. serving to precipitate.
PRECIPITATELYprecipitately adv. In a precipitate manner.
PRECIPITATE adv. sudden.
PRECIPITATINGprecipitating v. Present participle of precipitate.
PRECIPITATE v. to throw violently.
PRECIPITATIONprecipitation n. (Meteorology) Any or all of the forms of water particles, whether liquid or solid, that fall from the…
precipitation n. A hurried headlong fall.
precipitation n. (Countable, uncountable, chemistry) A reaction that leads to the formation of a heavier solid in a lighter…
PRECIPITATIVEprecipitative adj. Synonym of precipitate.
PRECIPITATIVE adj. serving to precipitate.
PRECIPITATORSprecipitators n. Plural of precipitator.
PRECIPITATOR n. one who precipitates.
PROTOCERATOPSSorry, definition not available.
SEPTUPLICATESseptuplicates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of septuplicate.
SEPTUPLICATE n. a group of seven things.
SPECTATORSHIPspectatorship n. The state or quality of being a spectator.
SPECTATORSHIP n. the office of spectator.
STREPTOCARPUSstreptocarpus n. Any of several plants of the genus Streptocarpus. the Cape primroses.
STREPTOCARPUS n. any flowering plant of the Cape primrose genus Streptocarpus, with foxglove-like flowers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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