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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 10 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, E, N, 2O and X

BACTERIOTOXINbacteriotoxin n. Any toxin produced by a bacterium.
bacteriotoxin n. Any material that is toxic to bacteria.
BACTERIOTOXIN n. a toxin of bacterial origin.
CHEMOTAXONOMYchemotaxonomy n. (Biochemistry, genetics) The classification or taxonomy of organisms based on differences and similarities…
CHEMOTAXONOMY n. the classification of plants and animals based on similarities and differences in biochemical composition.
COMPLEXATIONScomplexations n. Plural of complexation.
COMPLEXATION n. a complex.
CONSOLATRIXESCONSOLATRIX n. a woman who consoles.
CYCLOHEXANONEcyclohexanone n. (Organic chemistry) The alicyclic ketone obtained from cyclohexane by the replacement of a methylene…
CYCLOHEXANONE n. a liquid ketone used esp. as a solvent and in organic synthesis.
DETOXICATIONSdetoxications n. Plural of detoxication.
DETOXICATION n. the act of detoxicating.
EXCOGITATIONSexcogitations n. Plural of excogitation.
EXCOGITATION n. the act of excogitating.
EXCORTICATIONexcortication n. The act of stripping off bark, or the state of being thus stripped.
EXCORTICATION n. the act of excorticating, stripping the bark from.
EXPECTORATIONexpectoration n. (Physiology) The action of expectorating, of ejecting phlegm or mucus from the throat or lungs by coughing…
expectoration n. (Physiology) That which is expectorated, as phlegm or mucus.
EXPECTORATION n. the act of expectorating.
PRAXINOSCOPESpraxinoscopes n. Plural of praxinoscope.
PRAXINOSCOPE n. an instrument with mirrors in which a series of moving drawings appear as a continuously moving picture; an early form of cinematograph.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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