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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, E, H, 2O and U

AUTOCEPHALOUSautocephalous adj. (Christianity, of a church) Fully independent of the authority of any other church.
autocephalous adj. (Christianity, of a bishop) Presiding over an autocephalous church.
autocephalous adj. (Comparable) Independent; self-directed.
AUTOCHTHONIESautochthonies n. Plural of autochthony.
AUTOCHTHONY n. the state of being aboriginal.
CAMPHORACEOUScamphoraceous adj. Of, relating to, similar to, or containing camphor.
CAMPHORACEOUS adj. like camphor.
CEPHALOPODOUScephalopodous adj. (Zoology) Belonging to, or resembling, the cephalopods.
CEPHALOPODOUS adj. of or like a cephalopod, also CEPHALOPODIC.
CHEMAUTOTROPHCHEMAUTOTROPH n. an organism, such as a bacterium, that obtains its energy from inorganic reactions using simple compounds, such as ammonia or carbon dioxide.
CHEMOAUTROPHSCHEMOAUTROPH n. any organism, e.g. bacteria, that produces energy by the oxidation of inorganic compounds, such as iron, ammonia and hydrogen sulphide, also CHEMOAUTOTROPH.
CINCHONACEOUScinchonaceous adj. Allied or pertaining to cinchona, or to the plants that produce it.
CINCHONACEOUS adj. belonging to the Cinchona genus of trees, that yield quinine.
CLAUSTROPHOBEclaustrophobe n. One who suffers from claustrophobia.
CLAUSTROPHOBE n. one with a fear of confined spaces.
CREATUREHOODSCREATUREHOOD n. the state of being a creature.
HETEROCARPOUSheterocarpous adj. (Botany) Exhibiting heterocarpy.
HETEROCARPOUS adj. bearing fruit of more than kind.
HETEROTACTOUSHETEROTACTOUS adj. relating to heterotaxis, the anomalous arrangement of body parts.
MELANCHOLIOUSmelancholious adj. (Obsolete) melancholy.
MELANCHOLIOUS adj. melancholic.
MELANOCHROOUSmelanochroous adj. Melanochroic; dark-complexioned.
MELANOCHROOUS adj. belonging to the melanochroi, having dark hair and white skin, also MELANOCHROIC.
MESOCEPHALOUSmesocephalous adj. Alternative form of mesocephalic.
MESOCEPHALOUS adj. having a medium skull.
MYCETOPHAGOUSmycetophagous adj. That feeds on fungi.
MYCETOPHAGOUS adj. eating fungi.
RHEUMATOLOGICrheumatologic adj. Rheumatological.
RHOPALOCEROUSrhopalocerous adj. Of or relating to the Rhopalocera.
RHOPALOCEROUS adj. relating to the Rhopalocera, a suborder of insects with clubbed antennae, also RHOPALOCERAL.
THOROUGHBRACEthoroughbrace n. (Dated) A leather strap supporting the body of a carriage, and attached to springs or serving as a spring itself.
THOROUGHBRACE n. any of several leather straps supporting the body of a carriage and serving as springs.
THOROUGHPACEDthoroughpaced adj. (Of a horse) Trained in every pace.
thoroughpaced adj. Extensively trained or schooled; knowledgeable; proficient.
thoroughpaced adj. Complete, total.
UNTHEOLOGICALuntheological adj. Not theological.
UNTHEOLOGICAL adj. not theological.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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