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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 14 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, 2E, O and 2U

AEROSTRUCTUREaerostructure n. Any component or subsystem of the airframe of an aircraft.
AEROSTRUCTURE n. any separately manufactured unit, component, or section of an aircraft or other vehicle capable of flight.
CETEOSAURUSESCETEOSAURUS n. a large Jurassic dinosaur.
COUNTERARGUEDcounterargued v. Simple past tense and past participle of counterargue.
COUNTERARGUE v. to argue against.
COUNTERARGUEScounterargues v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of counterargue.
COUNTERARGUE v. to argue against.
EQUIMOLECULARequimolecular adj. (Chemistry) Containing the same number of molecules (of two or more compounds).
EQUIMOLECULAR adj. of substances, solutions, etc., containing equal numbers of molecules.
EQUISETACEOUSequisetaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the Equisetaceae, or horsetails.
EQUISETACEOUS adj. pertaining to the horsetail family.
FRUMENTACEOUSfrumentaceous adj. Resembling or pertaining to grain, especially wheat.
FRUMENTACEOUS adj. resembling wheat or other grain.
MOUNTENAUNCESMOUNTENAUNCE n. (Spenser) amount; distance, also MOUNTENANCE.
OUTRECUIDANCEoutrecuidance n. (Archaic) Presumption, arrogance, self-conceit.
OUTRECUIDANCE n. (Scott) presumption or overweening.
RAUCOUSNESSESraucousnesses n. Plural of raucousness.
RAUCOUSNESS n. the state of being raucous.
SUPRAMOLECULEsupramolecule n. (Chemistry) Any organized system of two or more molecules held together by intermolecular forces.
SUPRAMOLECULE n. a cluster of molecules, usually created artificially.
UNCONQUERABLEunconquerable adj. Not conquerable; indomitable.
UNCONQUERABLE adj. incapable of being conquered.
UNEQUIVOCABLEunequivocable adj. (Proscribed) Nonstandard form of unequivocal.
UNEQUIVOCABLE adj. leaving no doubt, also UNEQUIVOCAL.
VACUOUSNESSESVACUOUSNESS n. the state of being vacuous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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