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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing A, 2C, R, T and 2U

ACCULTURATINGacculturating v. Present participle of acculturate.
ACCULTURATE v. to undergo acculturation.
ACCULTURATIONacculturation n. A process by which the culture of an isolated society changes on contact with a different one.
acculturation n. A process by which a person acquires the culture of the society that they inhabit, starting at birth.
ACCULTURATION n. the assimilation, through continuous contact, of features (such as customs, beliefs, etc.) of another culture.
ACCULTURATIVEacculturative adj. That which produces acculturation.
ACCULTURATIVE adj. relating to acculturation, also ACCULTURATIONAL.
ACUPUNCTURINGacupuncturing v. Present participle of acupuncture.
ACUPUNCTURISTacupuncturist n. A healthcare professional who is qualified or professionally engaged in the practice of acupuncture.
ACUPUNCTURIST n. one who practices acupuncture.
CIRCUMNUTATEDcircumnutated v. Simple past tense and past participle of circumnutate.
CIRCUMNUTATE v. to proceed with a spiral motion.
CIRCUMNUTATEScircumnutates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of circumnutate.
CIRCUMNUTATE v. to proceed with a spiral motion.
CRINICULTURALcrinicultural adj. (Rare) Relating to the growth of hair.
CRINICULTURAL adj. relating to the culture or growth of the hair.
MICROCULTURALmicrocultural adj. Of or pertaining to a microculture.
MICROCULTURAL adj. relating to microculture.
NUTRACEUTICALnutraceutical n. A nutrient or food believed to have curative properties. A food used as a drug.
NUTRACEUTICAL n. a food with (or believed to have) medicinal properties.
NUTRICEUTICALnutriceutical adj. Both nutritionally and pharmaceutically beneficial.
nutriceutical n. A nutritious pharmaceutical.
OUTRECUIDANCEoutrecuidance n. (Archaic) Presumption, arrogance, self-conceit.
OUTRECUIDANCE n. (Scott) presumption or overweening.
PISCICULTURALpiscicultural adj. Pertaining to pisciculture.
PISCICULTURAL adj. relating to pisciculture.
SOCIOCULTURALsociocultural adj. Of or relating to both society and culture.
socio-cultural adj. Alternative form of sociocultural.
SOCIOCULTURAL adj. of, relating to, or involving a combination of social and cultural factors.
SUPERACCURATEsuperaccurate adj. Very highly accurate.
UNSPECTACULARunspectacular adj. Not spectacular.
UNSPECTACULAR adj. not spectacular.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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