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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing A, 2C, O, P and 2T

ACCEPTILATIONacceptilation n. (Civil law) Gratuitous discharge; a release from debt or obligation without payment; free remission.
acceptilation n. (Theology) The doctrine, laid down by Duns Scotus and maintained by the Arminians, that the satisfaction…
ACCEPTILATION n. the remission of a debt without payment or by accepting a nominal payment only.
ANTIPSYCHOTICantipsychotic adj. (Pharmacology) Preventing or counteracting psychosis.
antipsychotic n. (Pharmacology) Any of a group of drugs used to treat psychosis.
ANTIPSYCHOTIC adj. alleviating psychosis.
CAPACITATIONScapacitations n. Plural of capacitation.
CAPACITATION n. the change undergone by sperm in the female reproductive tract that enables them to penetrate and fertilize an egg.
CONCEPTUALISTconceptualist n. An artist involved in the conceptualism movement.
conceptualist n. (Philosophy) One who maintains the theory of conceptualism.
CONCEPTUALIST n. an adherent to the tenets of conceptualism or of conceptual art.
CONCEPTUALITYconceptuality n. The state or quality of being conceptual.
CONCEPTUALITY n. the quality of being conceptual.
CONTRACEPTIONcontraception n. The use of a device or procedure to prevent conception as a result of sexual activity.
CONTRACEPTION n. deliberate prevention of conception or impregnation.
CONTRACEPTIVEcontraceptive adj. That acts to prevent conception as a result of sexual intercourse.
contraceptive n. A mechanism or means by which conception as a result of sexual intercourse can be prevented or made less likely.
CONTRACEPTIVE n. something intended to prevent conception.
CRYPTOCLASTICCRYPTOCLASTIC adj. of minerals and rocks, composed of microscopic fragments.
ECTOPARASITICectoparasitic adj. Of or pertaining to ectoparasites.
ECTOPARASITIC adj. of or like an ectoparasite.
PANTISOCRATICpantisocratic adj. Of or pertaining to a pantisocracy.
PANTISOCRATIC adj. relating to pantisocracy, also PANTISOCRATICAL.
PEDANTOCRATICpedantocratic adj. Promoting or relating to pedantocracy.
PEDANTOCRATIC adj. relating to pedantocracy, government by pedants.
PLECTOGNATHICplectognathic adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to the plectognaths.
PLECTOGNATHIC adj. belonging to an order of bony fishes including filefishes, also PLECTOGNATHOUS.
PLUTOCRATICALplutocratical adj. Synonym of plutocratic.
PLUTOCRATICAL adj. relating to the plutocracy, also PLUTOCRATIC.
POCOCURANTISTpococurantist n. A nonchalant, indifferent person.
POCOCURANTIST n. one who is habitually uninterested.
PRECONTRACTEDprecontracted v. Simple past tense and past participle of precontract.
PRECONTRACT v. to contract in advance.
PROTEOCLASTICproteoclastic adj. Proteolytic.
PROTEOCLASTIC adj. proteolytic, relating to the splitting of proteins by enzymes.
STREPTOCOCCALstreptococcal adj. Relating to bacteria of the genus Streptococcus.
STREPTOCOCCAL adj. relating to streptococci, also STREPTOCOCCIC.
TACHISTOSCOPEtachistoscope n. A device that displays a series of brief images; used by psychologists to investigate perception, memory and learning.
TACHISTOSCOPE n. an instrument for rapidly showing images on a screen to test perception.
TROPHALLACTICtrophallactic adj. Relating to trophallaxis.
TROPHALLACTIC adj. relating to trophallaxis, mutual exchange of nutriment in symbiosis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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