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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing A, 2C, N, P and 2S

ACCEPTINGNESSacceptingness n. The ability or desire to accept.
ACCEPTINGNESS n. the state of being accepting.
ACCOMPANYISTSaccompanyists n. Plural of accompanyist.
ACCOMPANYIST n. one who accompanies another, also ACCOMPANIST.
CAPACIOUSNESScapaciousness n. The quality of being capacious.
CAPACIOUSNESS n. the state of being capacious.
COMPACTEDNESScompactedness n. The state or quality of being compacted.
COMPACTEDNESS n. the state of being compacted.
COMPACTNESSEScompactnesses n. Plural of compactness.
COMPACTNESS n. the state of being compact.
COMPLAISANCEScomplaisances n. Plural of complaisance.
COMPLAISANCE n. wishing to please or tending to comply with the wishes of others.
CONSPIRACISTSconspiracists n. Plural of conspiracist.
COUNTERSCARPScounterscarps n. Plural of counterscarp.
COUNTERSCARP n. a narrow earth band on the outer wall of a defensive ditch.
CRANIOSCOPIEScranioscopies n. Plural of cranioscopy.
CRANIOSCOPY n. phrenology.
CRANIOSCOPISTcranioscopist n. (Archaic) A person who makes deductions concerning someone’s intellectual, emotional, or moral qualities…
CRANIOSCOPIST n. a phrenologist.
DISCREPANCIESdiscrepancies n. Plural of discrepancy.
DISCREPANCY n. the state of being discrepant, also DISCREPANCE.
LAPIDESCENCESlapidescences n. Plural of lapidescence.
LAPIDESCENCE n. (archaic) becoming like a stone.
NUCLEOCAPSIDSnucleocapsids n. Plural of nucleocapsid.
NUCLEOCAPSID n. the nucleic acid and surrounding protein coat in a virus.
PANPSYCHISTICpanpsychistic adj. Relating to panpsychism.
PANPSYCHISTIC adj. relating to panpsychism, the theory that all nature has a psychic side.
PEARLESCENCESpearlescences n. Plural of pearlescence.
PEARLESCENCE n. the state of being pearlescent.
PHYSICIANCIESphysiciancies n. Plural of physiciancy.
PHYSICIANCY n. the post or office of physician.
PRACTICALNESSpracticalness n. The quality of being practical; practicality.
PRACTICALNESS n. the state of being practical.
PROSTACYCLINSprostacyclins n. Plural of prostacyclin.
PROSTACYCLIN n. a prostaglandin which dilates blood vessels and inhibits blood clotting.
PSYCHASTHENICpsychasthenic adj. Affected with, or relating to, psychasthenia.
psychasthenic n. An individual who has psychasthenia.
PSYCHASTHENIC adj. relating to psychasthenia.
VAPORESCENCESvaporescences n. Plural of vaporescence.
VAPORESCENCE n. becoming vapour.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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