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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing A, 2C, 2M, R and T

ACCOMMODATORSaccommodators n. Plural of accommodator.
ACCOMMODATOR n. one who accommodates.
CHROMATICISMSchromaticisms n. Plural of chromaticism.
CHROMATICISM n. the state of being chromatic; the use of chromatic tones.
CHROMONEMATICchromonematic adj. Relating to the chromonema.
CHROMONEMATIC adj. of or like a chromonema.
CIRCUMAMBIENTcircumambient adj. Including all aspects of; encompassing.
circumambient adj. Surrounding.
circumambient adv. In a circumambient manner.
COMMERCIALISTcommercialist n. Someone who engages in commerce.
commercialist n. Someone who supports commercial activity.
COMMERCIALIST n. an advocate of commercialism.
COMMERCIALITYcommerciality n. (Business) Ability to produce a profit.
COMMERCIALITY n. the quality of being commercial.
COMMUNICATORScommunicators n. Plural of communicator.
COMMUNICATOR n. one who communicates.
COMMUNICATORYcommunicatory adj. Whose function is to communicate.
COMMUNICATORY adj. designed to communicate information.
HOMOCHROMATIChomochromatic adj. Synonym of monochromatic.
HOMOCHROMATIC adj. monochromatic.
MACROCLIMATESmacroclimates n. Plural of macroclimate.
MACROCLIMATE n. large-scale climate.
MACROCLIMATICmacroclimatic adj. Relating to macroclimate.
MACROCLIMATIC adj. relating to climate on a large scale.
METACHROMATICmetachromatic adj. Exhibiting, or pertaining to, metachromasia.
METACHROMATIC adj. of dyes, capable of staining cells so that they turn a different colour to that of the dye.
MICROCLIMATESmicroclimates n. Plural of microclimate.
MICROCLIMATE n. the climate of a very small area.
MICROCLIMATICmicroclimatic adj. Of or pertaining to a microclimate.
MICROCLIMATIC adj. relating to microclimate, the climate of a very small area.
MICROMETRICALmicrometrical adj. Micrometric; relating to micrometry or a micrometer.
MICROMETRICAL adj. relating to micrometry, also MICROMETRIC.
MONOCHROMATICmonochromatic adj. Having only one color, represented by differing hues and tints. For example shades in a black and white television.
monochromatic adj. Perceptive of only one color; unable to distinguish colors; total color blindness.
monochromatic adj. (Figuratively) Plain, dull, lifeless.
MYCOBACTERIUMmycobacterium n. (Bacteriology) Any of many rod-shaped, aerobic bacteria, of the genus Mycobacterium, that cause diseases…
Mycobacterium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Mycobacteriaceae – certain rod-shaped, aerobic bacteria, that cause…
MYCOBACTERIUM n. any of a genus of bacteria that includes the pathogens causing tuberculosis and leprosy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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