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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing A, 2C, G, L, N and R

ACCULTURATINGacculturating v. Present participle of acculturate.
ACCULTURATE v. to undergo acculturation.
CARCINOLOGIESCARCINOLOGY n. the study of crabs and other crustaceans.
CARCINOLOGISTcarcinologist n. A person involved in carcinology.
CARCINOLOGIST n. a specialist in carcinology.
CHRONOLOGICALchronological adj. Relating to time, or units of time.
chronological adj. In order of time from the earliest to the latest.
CHRONOLOGICAL adj. arranged in order of time, also CHRONOLOGIC.
CIRCULARISINGcircularising v. Present participle of circularise.
CIRCULARISE v. to include on the list for a circular, also CIRCULARIZE.
CIRCULARIZINGcircularizing v. Present participle of circularize.
CIRCULARIZE v. to send circulars to, also CIRCULARISE.
CLEARCUTTINGSclearcuttings n. Plural of clearcutting.
CLEARCUTTING n. the act of felling timber over a given area.
COLOURCASTINGcolourcasting v. Present participle of colourcast.
COLOURCAST v. to broadcast (a television programme) in colour, also COLORCAST.
CONGLOMERATICconglomeratic adj. (Geology) Of or pertaining to a conglomerate.
CONGLOMERATIC adj. relating to conglomerate.
CRANIOLOGICALcraniological adj. Of or pertaining to craniology.
CRANIOLOGICAL adj. relating to craniology.
CRYOGENICALLYcryogenically adv. Carried out at very low temperatures, near absolute zero.
CRYOGENIC adv. of or like a cryogen, a substance for obtaining low temperatures, a freezing mixture.
ENCROACHINGLYencroachingly adv. In an encroaching manner.
ENCROACHING adv. ENCROACH, to intrude on another's territory.
INTERGALACTICintergalactic adj. (Astronomy) Occurring between galaxies.
INTERGALACTIC adj. situated in or relating to the spaces between galaxies.
INTRAGALACTICintragalactic adj. Occurring between two or more points within a galaxy.
INTRAGALACTIC adj. situated or occurring within the confines of a single galaxy.
LARYNGOSCOPIClaryngoscopic adj. Of or pertaining to laryngoscopy.
LARYNGOSCOPIC adj. of or like a laryngoscope, an instrument for examining the interior of the larynx.
PRECANCELLINGprecancelling v. Present participle of precancel.
PRECANCEL v. to cancel in advance.
REACCLIMATINGreacclimating v. Present participle of reacclimate.
RECALCULATINGrecalculating v. Present participle of recalculate.
RECALCULATE v. to calculate again.
RECIRCULATINGrecirculating v. Present participle of recirculate.
RECIRCULATE v. to circulate again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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