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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing A, 2C, D, E and 2N

ANTIDESICCANTantidesiccant adj. Preventing desiccation.
antidesiccant n. A substance that prevents desiccation.
ANTIDESICCANT n. a chemical which prevents or inhibits the drying-out of a plant, etc.
CODECLINATIONcodeclination n. Polar distance.
CODECLINATION n. polar distance.
CONSIDERANCESconsiderances n. Plural of considerance.
CONSIDERANCE n. (archaic) consideration.
DECONCENTRATEdeconcentrate v. (Transitive) To withdraw from concentration; to decentralize.
DECONCENTRATE v. to reduce or abolish the concentration of.
ENCYCLOPEDIANencyclopedian adj. Encyclopedic; embracing the whole circle of learning, or a wide range of subjects.
encyclopedian n. A person who has an encyclopedic knowledge.
ENCYCLOPEDIAN adj. embracing the whole circle of learning.
INCANDESCENCEincandescence n. (Physics) the emission of visible light by a hot body.
incandescence n. The light so emitted.
incandescence n. (By extension) great emotion, especially anger.
INCANDESCENCYINCANDESCENCY n. the state of being incandescent, also INCANDESCENCE.
INCANDESCENTSincandescents n. Plural of incandescent.
INCANDESCENT n. a type of lightbulb.
NONACCIDENTALnonaccidental adj. Not accidental.
NONACCIDENTAL adj. not accidental.
NONACCREDITEDnonaccredited adj. Not accredited.
non-accredited adj. Alternative spelling of nonaccredited.
NONACCREDITED adj. not accredited.
NONDEMOCRATICnondemocratic adj. Not based upon democratic principles.
NONDEMOCRATIC adj. not democratic.
TRANSCENDENCEtranscendence n. (Countable) The act of surpassing usual limits.
transcendence n. (Uncountable) The state of being beyond the range of normal perception.
transcendence n. (Uncountable) The state of being free from the constraints of the material world, as in the case of a deity.
TRANSCENDENCYtranscendency n. Transcendence.
transcendency n. (Obsolete) elevation above the truth; exaggeration.
UNACCENTUATEDunaccentuated adj. Not accentuated.
UNACCENTUATED adj. not accentuated.
UNACCOMPANIEDunaccompanied adj. Travelling without companions.
unaccompanied adj. (Music) performed or scored without accompaniment; solo.
UNACCOMPANIED adj. not accompanied.
UNCONSECRATEDunconsecrated adj. Not consecrated.
UNCONSECRATED adj. not consecrated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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