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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing A, 3C, 2I and T

ACTINOMYCOTICactinomycotic adj. Of or pertaining to actinomycosis.
ACTINOMYCOTIC adj. relating to actinomycosis, a parasitic disease in men and cattle resulting in inflammation of the jaw.
ANTICLIMACTICanticlimactic adj. Lacking climax, disappointing or ironically insignificant following of impressive foreshadowing.
ANTICLIMACTIC adj. of, relating to, or marked by anticlimax, also ANTICLIMACTICAL.
ARCHITECTONICarchitectonic adj. Relating to or characteristic of architecture, design and construction.
architectonic adj. (Figuratively) Foundational, fundamental; supporting the structure of a morality, society, or culture.
architectonic adj. Relating to the scientific systematization of the totality of knowledge.
CALCIFICATIONcalcification n. The process of change into a stony or calcareous substance by the deposition of lime salt; -- normally…
CALCIFICATION n. the act of calcifying.
CATECHISTICALcatechistical adj. Pertaining to a catechism.
CATECHISTICAL adj. relating to catechism, also CATECHISTIC.
CHIROPRACTICSchiropractics n. The practice of a chiropractor; chiropractic.
CHIROPRACTIC n. the diagnosis and manipulative treatment of mechanical disorders of the joints, esp. of the spine.
CICATRICHULESCICATRICHULE n. a white spot, the germinating point in the yolk of an egg, also CICATRICLE, CICATRICULA.
CLIMACTERICALclimacterical adj. Alternative form of climacteric.
climacterical n. Alternative form of climacteric.
CLIMACTERICAL adj. relating to a climacteric.
CLIMACTICALLYclimactically adv. In a climactic fashion; like, or as, a climax.
CLIMACTICAL adv. relating to a climax, also CLIMACTIC.
COCCIDIOSTATScoccidiostats n. Plural of coccidiostat.
COCCIDIOSTAT n. an agent which builds up a resistance by the host to coccidia by retarding the latter's life-cycle, etc.
CYCLICALITIEScyclicalities n. Plural of cyclicality.
CYCLICALITY n. the state of being cyclical.
DICHLORACETICDICHLORACETIC adj. as in dichloracetic acid.
ECCLESIASTICSecclesiastics n. Plural of ecclesiastic.
ecclesiastics n. The field of study of the church.
ECCLESIASTIC n. a person consecrated to the church, such as a priest or a clergyman.
MACROCLIMATICmacroclimatic adj. Relating to macroclimate.
MACROCLIMATIC adj. relating to climate on a large scale.
MICROCLIMATICmicroclimatic adj. Of or pertaining to a microclimate.
MICROCLIMATIC adj. relating to microclimate, the climate of a very small area.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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