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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 11 thirteen-letter words containing A, B, G, 2I and 2T

BABINGTONITESBABINGTONITE n. a triclinic basic silicate of iron and calcium, occurring as glassy greenish-black crystals.
BACKSTITCHINGbackstitching v. Present participle of backstitch.
BACKSTITCH v. to stitch in this way.
DEATTRIBUTINGdeattributing v. Present participle of deattribute.
DEATTRIBUTE v. to withdraw the attribution of e.g. a work of art or literature to a particular artist, writer, etc.
DIABETOLOGISTdiabetologist n. A physician whose speciality is diabetology.
DIABETOLOGIST n. a doctor specializing in the study and treatment of diabetes and the care of diabetics.
INTANGIBILITYintangibility n. The quality or state of being intangible; intangibleness.
INTANGIBILITY n. the state of being intangible.
INTEGRABILITYintegrability n. (Mathematical analysis) The quality of being integrable (having an antidifference or antiderivative).
INTEGRABILITY n. the state of being integrable.
INTURBIDATINGinturbidating v. Present participle of inturbidate.
INTURBIDATE v. to render turbid.
NEGOTIABILITYnegotiability n. The state of being negotiable.
NEGOTIABILITY n. the state of being negotiable.
OBJECTIVATINGobjectivating v. Present participle of objectivate.
OBJECTIVATE v. to render objective.
REATTRIBUTINGreattributing v. Present participle of reattribute.
REATTRIBUTE v. to attribute again.
TANGIBILITIEStangibilities n. Plural of tangibility.
TANGIBILITY n. the state of being tangible.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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