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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing A, B, E, F, O, R and S

BALSAMIFEROUSbalsamiferous adj. That yields balsam.
BALSAMIFEROUS adj. producing balsam.
BRASSFOUNDERSbrassfounders n. Plural of brassfounder.
BRASSFOUNDER n. a person who casts objects in brass.
CARBONIFEROUScarboniferous adj. Containing or producing carbon.
Carboniferous adj. (Geology) Of a geologic period within the Paleozoic era; comprises the lower, middle and upper Mississippian…
Carboniferous prop.n. (Geology) the Carboniferous period.
COBALTIFEROUScobaltiferous adj. Containing or yielding cobalt.
COBALTIFEROUS adj. bearing cobalt.
DIBENZOFURANSdibenzofurans n. Plural of dibenzofuran.
DIBENZOFURAN n. a highly toxic chemical compound that is used in chemical synthesis and as an insecticide.
FAVORABLENESSfavorableness n. Alternative spelling of favourableness.
FAVORABLE n. (US) favourable, also FAVOURABLE.
FIBERIZATIONSfiberizations n. Plural of fiberization.
FIBERIZATION n. the act of fiberizing, also FIBERISATION.
FLANNELBOARDSflannelboards n. Plural of flannelboard.
FLANNELBOARD n. a teaching aid consisting of a board covered with flannel.
FLUTTERBOARDSflutterboards n. Plural of flutterboard.
FLUTTERBOARD n. a kind of swimming aid, a kickboard.
FORMABILITIESformabilities n. Plural of formability.
FORMABILITY n. the quality of being formable.
NEUROFIBROMASneurofibromas n. Plural of neurofibroma.
NEUROFIBROMA n. a tumour of the nervous fibre.
PERSONIFIABLEpersonifiable adj. Able to be personified.
PERSONIFIABLE adj. that can be personified.
SHUFFLEBOARDSshuffleboards n. Plural of shuffleboard.
SHUFFLEBOARD n. an old game in which a coin or other disc was driven along a table by the hand, also SHOVELBOARD.
SORBEFACIENTSsorbefacients n. Plural of sorbefacient.
SORBEFACIENT n. a substance promoting absorption.
TRANSFORMABLEtransformable adj. Able to be transformed.
TRANSFORMABLE adj. capable of being transformed.
UNFORESEEABLEunforeseeable adj. Incapable of being foreseen or anticipated.
UNFORESEEABLE adj. not foreseeable.
UNFORESEEABLYunforeseeably adv. In an unforeseeable manner; without the possibility of being predicted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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