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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 11 thirteen-letter words containing A, B, D, E, H, N and T

BLANDISHMENTSblandishments n. Plural of blandishment.
BLANDISHMENT n. something that tends to coax or cajole.
BODYSNATCHERSbodysnatchers n. Plural of bodysnatcher.
body-snatchers n. Plural of body-snatcher.
body␣snatchers n. Plural of body snatcher.
BROKENHEARTEDbrokenhearted adj. Grieved and disappointed, especially with the loss of a beloved person or thing, such as the repudiation…
broken-hearted adj. Alternative spelling of brokenhearted Feeling depressed, despondent, or hopeless, especially over losing a love.
broken␣hearted adj. (Of a person) that has a broken heart.
CHATEAUBRIANDchateaubriand n. A thick, juicy cut from the center of a beef tenderloin.
châteaubriand n. Alternative spelling of chateaubriand.
CHATEAUBRIAND n. a large tenderloin steak usually grilled or broiled and served with a sauce.
DIBRANCHIATESdibranchiates n. Plural of dibranchiate.
DIBRANCHIATE n. any of a certain subclass of cephalopods.
FINGERBREADTHfingerbreadth n. A (usually approximate and informal) unit of measurement based upon the radial width of the human finger.
FINGERBREADTH n. the breadth of a finger.
HANDSBREADTHShandsbreadths n. Plural of handsbreadth.
HANDSBREADTH n. the breadth of a hand, also HANDBREADTH.
MULTIBRANCHEDmultibranched adj. Having more than one branch.
MULTIBRANCHED adj. having many branches.
NONDETACHABLEnondetachable adj. Not capable of being detached.
non-detachable adj. Alternative form of nondetachable.
NONDETACHABLE adj. not detachable.
THIABENDAZOLEthiabendazole n. (Medicine, pharmacology) A synthetic compound with anthelmintic properties, derived from thiazole and…
THIABENDAZOLE n. a drug used in the control of parasitic nematode worms and fungus infections and as an agricultural fungicide.
UNESTABLISHEDunestablished adj. Not established.
UNESTABLISHED adj. not established.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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