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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing A, B, C, D, L, O and T

BACTERIOCIDALbacteriocidal adj. Alternative form of bactericidal.
BENEDICTIONALbenedictional n. A book of benedictions.
BENEDICTIONAL n. a book of benedictions.
BICONDITIONALbiconditional adj. Having two conditions.
biconditional n. (Logic) An "if and only if" conditional wherein the truth of each term depends on the truth of the other.
BICONDITIONAL n. a relation between two propositions that is true only when both propositions are simultaneously true or false.
BIDIRECTIONALbidirectional adj. Moving in two directions (usually opposite).
bidirectional adj. Operating or functioning in two directions (usually opposite).
bidirectional n. Such an antenna or microphone.
BIOPESTICIDALbiopesticidal adj. Of or pertaining to biopesticides.
BIOPESTICIDAL adj. of or like a biopesticide.
CHONDROBLASTSchondroblasts n. Plural of chondroblast.
CHONDROBLAST n. a cell that forms cartilage.
CODIFIABILITYcodifiability n. The ability to structure information or knowledge into a code, or set of rules; ability to codify.
CODIFIABILITY n. the quality of being codifiable.
CONCELEBRATEDconcelebrated v. Simple past tense and past participle of concelebrate.
CONCELEBRATE v. to jointly recite the canon of the Eucharist in unison with others.
CONDITIONABLEconditionable adj. Capable of being conditioned.
CONDITIONABLE adj. capable of being conditioned.
CONGLOBULATEDconglobulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of conglobulate.
CONGLOBULATE v. to form into a ball.
DECARBOXYLATEdecarboxylate v. (Organic chemistry) To remove one or more carboxyl groups from a molecule.
DECARBOXYLATE v. to remove carbon dioxide from its substrate.
NONDETACHABLEnondetachable adj. Not capable of being detached.
non-detachable adj. Alternative form of nondetachable.
NONDETACHABLE adj. not detachable.
NONINDICTABLEnonindictable adj. Not indictable.
NONINDICTABLE adj. of an offence, not indictable.
ODONTOBLASTICodontoblastic adj. Relating to odontoblasts.
ODONTOBLASTIC adj. of or like an odontoblast, a tooth cell in the surface of dental pulp that produces dentine.
PARTICLEBOARDparticleboard n. Alternative spelling of particle board.
particle-board n. Alternative spelling of particle board.
particle␣board n. (US, Canada) a structural material manufactured from wood particles (such as chips and shavings) by…
QUODLIBETICALquodlibetical adj. (Philosophy) Of or relating to quodlibet; of a question, posed extemporaneously.
QUODLIBETICAL adj. of or like a quodlibet, also QUODLIBETIC.
SCROBICULATEDscrobiculated adj. Alternative form of scrobiculate.
SCROBICULATED adj. marked with many shallow depressions, grooves, or pits, also SCROBICULATE.
SUBADOLESCENTsubadolescent n. An individual who has not yet reached adolescence.
SUBADOLESCENT n. a child who has not yet reached the age of adolescence.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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