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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, P, R, 2T and U

FLUORAPATITESfluorapatites n. Plural of fluorapatite.
FLUORAPATITE n. a mineral consisting of calcium phosphate fluoride, the most common form of apatite.
NATUROPATHIESnaturopathies n. Plural of naturopathy.
NATUROPATHY n. medical treatment by methods believed to aid nature.
PARTICULARISTparticularist n. One who holds to particularism.
particularist adj. (Theology) Adhering to particularism.
particularist adj. Showing excessive devotion to one’s own region, nation, party etc.
PARTICULARITYparticularity n. (Countable).
particularity n. (Uncountable).
PARTICULARITY n. a minute detail.
PERMUTATIONALpermutational adj. Of or pertaining to permutation.
PERMUTATIONAL adj. relating to permutation.
PHARMACEUTISTpharmaceutist n. (Dated) One skilled in pharmacy; a druggist.
PHARMACEUTIST n. one who prepares medicines.
PLUTOCRATICALplutocratical adj. Synonym of plutocratic.
PLUTOCRATICAL adj. relating to the plutocracy, also PLUTOCRATIC.
POSTGRADUATESpostgraduates n. Plural of postgraduate.
POSTGRADUATE n. a student continuing formal education after graduation from high school or college.
POSTTRAUMATICposttraumatic adj. After, or as a result of, a trauma.
post-traumatic adj. Alternative spelling of posttraumatic.
POSTTRAUMATIC adj. taking place after trauma.
PRETERNATURALpreternatural adj. Beyond or not conforming to what is natural or according to the regular course of things; strange.
preternatural adj. (Dated) Having an existence outside of the natural world.
PRETERNATURAL adj. existing outside of nature.
QUADRIPARTITEquadripartite adj. Divided into four parts.
quadripartite adj. Involving four parties or participants; four-party.
quadripartite n. A treatise divided into four parts.
RECAPITULATEDrecapitulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of recapitulate.
RECAPITULATE v. to restate briefly, also RECAP.
RECAPITULATESrecapitulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of recapitulate.
RECAPITULATE v. to restate briefly, also RECAP.
SUPERNATATIONsupernatation n. (Archaic) flotation.
SUPERNATATION n. the state of being supernatant, floating or swimming above.
SUPERSATURATEsupersaturate v. To cause a solution to have more solute dissolved in it than it can stably contain at current conditions.
SUPERSATURATE v. to add to (a solution) beyond saturation.
TELAUTOGRAPHYtelautography n. Transmission of messages by telautograph.
TELAUTOGRAPHY n. transmission by use of a Telautograph, a telegraph for reproducing the movement of a pen or pencil and so transmitting writings or drawings.
THERAPEUTICALtherapeutical adj. Therapeutic.
therapeutical n. Such an agent.
THERAPEUTICAL adj. related to the healing arts, also THERAPEUTIC.
UNTRANSPARENTuntransparent adj. Not transparent.
UNTRANSPARENT adj. not transparent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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