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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, 2M, 2N and S

ANTIHUMANISMSantihumanisms n. Plural of antihumanism.
ANTIHUMANISM n. opposition to humanism.
ANTINOMIANISMantinomianism n. (Christianity) The belief or teaching that because only the spiritual "law of faith" (Romans 3:27) is…
antinomianism n. (Judaism) Opposition to the Torah.
ANTINOMIANISM n. the doctrine of the rejection of moral law.
COMANAGEMENTScomanagements n. Plural of comanagement.
COMANAGEMENT n. joint management.
ENDAMAGEMENTSendamagements n. Plural of endamagement.
ENDAMAGEMENT n. damage, injury.
INFLAMMATIONSinflammations n. Plural of inflammation.
INFLAMMATION n. the state of being inflamed.
INSTAGRAMMINGInstagramming v. Present participle of Instagram.
INSTAGRAM v. to share (a photograph) using the Instagram application.
MAGNANIMITIESmagnanimities n. Plural of magnanimity.
MAGNANIMITY n. the quality of being magnanimous.
MAGNANIMOUSLYmagnanimously adv. In a magnanimous manner.
MAGNANIMOUS adv. showing or suggesting a lofty and courageous spirit.
MAINSTREAMINGmainstreaming n. The process of bringing something into the mainstream.
mainstreaming n. (Education, chiefly US) The practice of educating students with special needs in regular classes.
mainstreaming v. Present participle of mainstream.
MISDEMEANANTSmisdemeanants n. Plural of misdemeanant.
MISDEMEANANT n. a person guilty of misdemeanour.
MISMANAGEMENTmismanagement n. The process or practice of managing ineptly, incompetently, or dishonestly.
MISMANAGEMENT n. wrong management.
NONFLAMMABLESnonflammables n. Plural of nonflammable.
NONMAINSTREAMnonmainstream adj. Not mainstream.
NONMAINSTREAM adj. not mainstream.
NONMAMMALIANSSorry, definition not available.
NYMPHOMANIACSnymphomaniacs n. Plural of nymphomaniac.
NYMPHOMANIAC n. one afflicted with nymphomania.
SOMNAMBULANCEsomnambulance n. (Rare) somnambulism.
SOMNAMBULANCE n. sleepwalking.
SOMNAMBULANTSsomnambulants n. Plural of somnambulant.
SOMNAMBULANT n. a sleepwalker.
TRANSMEMBRANEtransmembrane adj. (Biology) traversing a cellular membrane.
transmembrane adj. Of or pertaining to a transmembrane protein or segment.
transmembrane n. (Cytology) a transmembrane protein, or the transmembrane portion of a protein.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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