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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, L, 2S, T and V

ASSOCIATIVELYassociatively adv. In an associative way.
ASSOCIATIVE adv. of or relating to association esp. of ideas or images.
ASSORTATIVELYassortatively adv. In an assortative way.
ASSORTATIVE adv. denoting a nonrandom form of mating, e.g. by pollinating insects.
INSALIVATIONSINSALIVATION n. the act of insalivating, mixing with saliva.
MALVERSATIONSmalversations n. Plural of malversation.
MALVERSATION n. dishonest or unethical conduct in office, such as bribery, extortion or embezzlement.
MEDIAEVALISTSmediaevalists n. Plural of mediaevalist.
mediævalists n. Plural of mediævalist.
MEDIAEVALIST n. a supporter of mediaevalism, also MEDIEVALIST.
SALVABILITIESSALVABILITY n. the state of being salvable.
SALVATIONISMSsalvationisms n. Plural of salvationism.
SALVATIONISM n. religious teaching emphasizing the saving of the soul.
SALVATIONISTSsalvationists n. Plural of salvationist.
Salvationists n. Plural of Salvationist.
SALVATIONIST n. a soldier or officer of the salvation Army.
TALKATIVENESStalkativeness n. The state of being talkative.
TALKATIVE n. given to talking.
TRANSVALUATESTRANSVALUATE v. to reestimate the value of, esp. on a basis differing from the accepted standard, also TRANSVALUE.
TRANSVERSALLYtransversally adv. In a transverse manner.
transversally adv. In regard to a transversal.
transversally adv. In a way that exhibits or pertains to transversality; connecting hetergeneous elements (fields, kinds of people, etc).
VALIANTNESSESVALIANTNESS n. the state of being valiant.
VALORISATIONSvalorisations n. Plural of valorisation.
VALORISATION n. the fixing of prices, esp. by a policy imposed by a government or controlling body, also VALORIZATION.
VASCULARITIESvascularities n. Plural of vascularity.
VASCULARITY n. the state of being vascular.
VASODILATIONSvasodilations n. Plural of vasodilation.
VASODILATION n. the dilatation of blood vessels, also VASODILATATION.
VELARISATIONSvelarisations n. Plural of velarisation.
VELARISATION n. the pronunciation of a word with the back of the tongue touching the soft palate, also VELARIZATION.
VISUALISATIONvisualisation n. Alternative form of visualization.
VISUALISATION n. the formation of mental visual images, also VISUALIZATION.
VITALISATIONSvitalisations n. Plural of vitalisation.
VITALISATION n. the act of making vital, also VITALIZATION.
VOCALISATIONSvocalisations n. Plural of vocalisation.
VOCALISATION n. the act of making vocal, also VOCALIZATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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