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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 14 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, L, 2O, S and V

GALVANOSCOPESgalvanoscopes n. Plural of galvanoscope.
GALVANOSCOPE n. an instrument for detecting the presence and direction of an electric current.
GALVANOSCOPICgalvanoscopic adj. Of or pertaining to a galvanoscope.
GALVANOSCOPIC adj. relating to a galvanoscope, an instrument for detecting the presence and direction of an electric current.
OBSERVATIONALobservational adj. Relating to observation, especially scientific observation.
OBSERVATIONAL adj. related to observation.
STRATOVOLCANOstratovolcano n. (Volcanology) A tall conical volcano, composed of layers (or strata) of hardened lava, tephra and ash.
STRATOVOLCANO n. a composite volcano, composed of alternating layers of lava and pyroclastic material, along with abundant dikes and sills.
VACUOLISATIONvacuolisation n. Alternative form of vacuolization.
VACUOLISATION n. the act of producing vacuoles, also VACUOLIZATION.
VALORISATIONSvalorisations n. Plural of valorisation.
VALORISATION n. the fixing of prices, esp. by a policy imposed by a government or controlling body, also VALORIZATION.
VALORIZATIONSvalorizations n. Plural of valorization.
VALORIZATION n. the fixing of prices, esp. by a policy imposed by a government or controlling body, also VALORISATION.
VARIOLISATIONVARIOLISATION n. inoculation with smallpox virus, also VARIOLIZATION.
VASODILATIONSvasodilations n. Plural of vasodilation.
VASODILATION n. the dilatation of blood vessels, also VASODILATATION.
VOCALISATIONSvocalisations n. Plural of vocalisation.
VOCALISATION n. the act of making vocal, also VOCALIZATION.
VOCALIZATIONSvocalizations n. Plural of vocalization.
VOCALIZATION n. the act of making vocal, also VOCALISATION.
VOCATIONALISMvocationalism n. An approach to education that seeks to equip learners with vocational skills for the workplace.
VOCATIONALISM n. emphasis on vocational training in education.
VOCATIONALISTvocationalist n. A proponent of vocationalism.
VOCATIONALIST n. an exponent of vocationalism.
VOLCANISATIONvolcanisation n. Alternative form of volcanization.
VOLCANISATION n. the process of volcanising, also VOLCANIZATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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