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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, 3L, N and T

ANTIPARALLELSantiparallels n. Plural of antiparallel.
ANTIPARALLEL n. an antiparallel line.
APLANATICALLYAPLANATIC adv. of a lens, free of spherical aberration.
APPELLATIONALappellational adj. Relating to appellation or naming.
APPELLATIONAL adj. of or like an appellation.
CALCULATINGLYcalculatingly adv. In a calculating manner.
CALCULATING adv. CALCULATE, to count or reckon.
CALCULATIONALcalculational adj. Of, pertaining to, or employing calculation.
CALCULATIONAL adj. relating to calculation, also CALCULATIVE.
COLLOCATIONALcollocational adj. Of or pertaining to collocation.
COLLOCATIONAL adj. relating to collocation.
FLABELLATIONSflabellations n. Plural of flabellation.
FLABELLATION n. the act of fanning.
FLAGELLANTISMflagellantism n. The act of whipping oneself, typically for religious penance or for sexual excitement.
FLAGELLANTISM n. the practice of whipping oneself or another.
FLAGELLATIONSflagellations n. Plural of flagellation.
FLAGELLATION n. the act or practice of flagellating.
INELASTICALLYinelastically adv. In an inelastic way.
INELASTIC adv. not elastic.
INTRACELLULARintracellular adj. Inside or within a cell.
INTRACELLULAR adj. existing, occurring, or functioning within a cell.
LACTATIONALLYlactationally adv. With regard to lactation.
LACTATIONAL adv. relating to lactation.
LATITUDINALLYlatitudinally adv. With regard to latitude.
LATITUDINAL adv. relating to latitude.
MATRILINEALLYmatrilineally adv. In matrilineal fashion.
MATRILINEAL adv. of descent or kinship, reckoned through the mother or through females alone, also MATRILINEAR.
NOSTALGICALLYnostalgically adv. In a nostalgic manner.
NOSTALGIC adv. missing the past.
OSCILLATIONALoscillational adj. Relating to oscillation.
OSCILLATIONAL adj. relating to oscillation.
PATRILINEALLYpatrilineally adv. In patrilineal fashion.
PATRILINEAL adv. traced through the father or through males alone, also PATRILINEAR.
VACILLATINGLYvacillatingly adv. In a vacillating manner; uncertainly, waveringly.
VACILLATING adv. VACILLATE, to fluctuate in opinion or resolution.
VALUATIONALLYvaluationally adv. In terms of valuation.
VALUATIONAL adv. relating to valuation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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