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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, I, 2N and 2P

APPEALINGNESSappealingness n. The state or quality of being appealing.
APPEALINGNESS n. the state of being appealing.
APPERTAINANCEappertainance n. Dated form of appurtenance.
APPERTAINANCE n. (obsolete) an appurtenance.
APPERTAINMENTappertainment n. (Obsolete) That which appertains or belongs to a person; an appurtenance; trappings.
APPERTAINMENT n. (Shakespeare) an appurtenance.
IMPARIPINNATEimparipinnate adj. (Botany) pinnate with a single leaflet at the apex.
IMPARIPINNATE adj. pinnate with the rachis terminated by a single leaflet or tendril.
PANCYTOPENIASpancytopenias n. Plural of pancytopenia.
PANCYTOPENIA n. an abnormal reduction in the number of erythrocytes, white blood cells, and blood platelets in the blood.
PANLEUCOPENIApanleucopenia n. Alternative form of panleukopenia.
PANLEUCOPENIA n. a viral disease of cats marked by a deficiency of white blood cells, also PANLEUKOPENIA.
PANLEUKOPENIApanleukopenia n. A distemper of cats caused by a strain of Parvovirus.
PANLEUKOPENIA n. a viral disease of cats marked by a deficiency of white blood cells, also PANLEUCOPENIA.
PAPERHANGINGSpaperhangings n. Plural of paperhanging.
PAPERHANGING n. decorative paper used for covering interior walls.
PARALIPOMENONparalipomenon n. (Biblical) Either of the Books of Chronicles in the Old Testament.
paralipomenon n. (Usually in the plural) An omission, especially one of a book, added later as a supplement.
PARALIPOMENON n. a thing added as a supplement to a main text, also PARALEIPOMENON.
PENEPLANATIONpeneplanation n. (Geology) The formation of a peneplain.
PENEPLANATION n. the state of being a peneplain.
SANDPAPERINGSsandpaperings n. Plural of sandpapering.
SANDPAPERING n. the act of smoothing or polishing with sandpaper.
SUPPLANTATIONsupplantation n. The act of supplanting.
supplantation n. The condition of having been displaced.
SUPPLANTATION n. the act of supplanting.
UNAPPARELLINGunapparelling v. Present participle of unapparel.
UNAPPAREL v. to divest of clothing; to strip.
UNAPPEALINGLYunappealingly adv. In an unappealing manner.
UNAPPEALING adv. not appealing.
WAPPENSHAWINGWAPPENSHAWING n. (Scots) a gathering of the people within an area for the purpose of seeing that each man was armed according to his rank, and ready to take the field when required, also WAPENSCHAW, WAPENSHAW, WAPINSCHAW, WAPINSHAW, WAPPENSCHAW, WAPPENSHAW.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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