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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, 2I, 2N and Y

ANONYMISATIONanonymisation n. Alternative spelling of anonymization.
ANONYMIZATIONanonymization n. The act or process of making anonymous, of hiding or disguising identity.
ANTIGENICALLYantigenically adv. (Immunology) In the manner of an antigen.
ANTIGENIC adv. of or like an antigen, any substance that stimulates the production of an antibody.
ANTINOMICALLYantinomically adv. In an antinomic manner; in a contradictory manner.
ANTINOMICAL adv. relating to, or of the nature of, an antinomy, a contradiction between two logical conclusions, also ANTINOMIC.
ANYTHINGARIANanythingarian n. (Derogatory, religion) A person who does not profess any particular creed; an indifferentist.
ANYTHINGARIAN n. a person with no beliefs in particular.
FASCINATINGLYfascinatingly adv. In a fascinating manner.
FASCINATING adv. intriguing.
HYALINISATIONhyalinisation n. Alternative form of hyalinization.
HYALINISATION n. the process of hyalinising, also HYALINIZATION.
HYALINIZATIONhyalinization n. The act or process of hyalinizing. A condition in which normal tissue deteriorates into a homogeneous…
HYALINIZATION n. the process of hyalinizing, also HYALINISATION.
INEXPLAINABLYinexplainably adv. Synonym of unexplainably.
INEXPLAINABLE adv. not able to be explained.
INORGANICALLYinorganically adv. In an inorganic manner.
INORGANIC adv. not organic.
INSTANTANEITYinstantaneity n. The condition of being instantaneous.
INSTANTANEITY n. the state of being instantaneous.
NOMINATIVALLYNOMINATIVAL adv. relating to the nominative.
PAINSTAKINGLYpainstakingly adv. In a painstaking manner; very slowly and carefully.
PAINSTAKING adv. taking pains.
PLATINOCYANICPLATINOCYANIC adj. as in platinocyanic acid.
PLATYRRHINIANPLATYRRHINIAN adj. having a short, flat nose.
PLATYRRHINIAN n. someone with a short flat nose.
SYNTACTICIANSsyntacticians n. Plural of syntactician.
TANGENTIALITYtangentiality n. The quality of being tangential.
tangentiality n. (Medicine) A mental condition in which one tends to digress from the topic under discussion, especially…
TANGENTIALITY n. the state of being tangential.
TANTALISINGLYtantalisingly adv. In a tantalising manner. Alternative spelling of tantalizingly.
TANTALISING adv. frustratingly enticing.
TANTALIZINGLYtantalizingly adv. In a tantalizing manner.
TANTALIZING adv. frustratingly enticing.
TRANSITIONARYtransitionary adj. Transitional.
TRANSITIONARY adj. in the nature of a transition.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 131 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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