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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, H, 2L, M and T

ALCHEMISTICALalchemistical adj. Of or pertaining to alchemists.
ALCHEMISTICAL adj. relating to an alchemist.
AMPHIBLASTULAamphiblastula n. A larva of some sponges that has equal numbers of both flagellate and nonflagellate cells separated…
AMPHIBLASTULA n. the free-swimming larva of certain sponges, which consists of a hollow spherical mass of cells some of which have flagella.
ASTHMATICALLYasthmatically adv. In an asthmatic manner.
ASTHMATICAL adv. suffering from asthma.
ATHEMATICALLYATHEMATIC adv. without a thematic vowel.
CALLITHUMPIANcallithumpian adj. (US) Of, relating to, or resembling a callithump.
CALLITHUMPIAN adj. relating to the sounds of a callithump, a noisy, boisterous parade.
CHROMATICALLYchromatically adv. In a chromatic manner.
CHROMATIC adv. relating to colour.
COLLENCHYMATACOLLENCHYMA n. the supportive tissue of plants.
HEMATOLOGICALhematological adj. Hematologic.
HEMATOLOGICAL adj. of or relating to blood or to hematology, also HAEMATOLOGIC, HAEMATOLOGICAL, HEMATOLOGIC.
HOJATOLESLAMShojatoleslams n. Plural of hojatoleslam.
HOJATOLESLAM n. an Iranian cleric below the rank of ayatollah, also HOJATOLISLAM.
HOJATOLISLAMShojatolislams n. Plural of hojatolislam.
HOJATOLISLAM n. an Iranian cleric below the rank of ayatollah, also HOJATOLESLAM.
LOGARITHMICALlogarithmical adj. Alternative form of logarithmic.
LOGARITHMICAL adj. of or like a logarithm, also LOGARITHMIC.
LYMPHATICALLYlymphatically adv. By lymphatic means.
LYMPHATIC adv. relating to lymph.
METALLOGRAPHYmetallography n. (Metallurgy) The study of the structure of metals and their alloys, by any of a variety of techniques.
metallography n. A process for utilising metal plates in a manner similar to lithographic stones.
metallography n. A process of imitating the grain of wood on metals.
PHILOMATHICALphilomathical adj. Philomathic.
PHILOMATHICAL adj. loving learning, also PHILOMATHIC.
POLYTHALAMOUSpolythalamous adj. (Zoology) Having many chambers.
POLYTHALAMOUS adj. having many chambers.
RHEUMATICALLYrheumatically adv. In a rheumatic manner.
RHEUMATICAL adv. relating to rheumatism, also RHEUMATIC.
SCHEMATICALLYschematically adv. In the manner of a schematic. Drawn or described rather than an example.
SCHEMATICAL adv. involving a particular plan, also SCHEMATIC.
THALAMIFLORALthalamifloral adj. (Botany) Bearing the stamens directly on the receptacle.
THALAMIFLORAL adj. having petals free and stamens hypogynous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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